Treasure Your Comrades

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"Adamant Barrage!" Inuyasha yelled as he attacked the man in the baboon suit. Natsu and the others cringed at the man's sinister laugh as he flung his tintacles at the group.

"Hiraikotsu!" Sango hurled her boomerang at the short Mukotsu.

"Woah! Nice boomerang!" Sting exclaimed as he punched a demon. Sango laughed.

"Thanks." She said as she kicked an oncoming demon.

"So, what exactly are you guys?" She asked as she easily put down another demon.

"We're mages from different guilds." He said 'matter of factly'. They continued to have a nonchalant conversation while effortlessly fighting demons.

"Mages? Guilds? You must be foreigners?" She asked bewildered.

"I'm not sure where we are. We were dropped in this world after being sucked into black holes. There are a lot more of our friends out here somewhere. We were trying to find them when we ran into those guys." He pointed to Natsu and Inuyasha fighting Renkotsu and Ginkotsu.

Sango made an 'o' with her mouth as she sliced numerous demons with her sword. "I'm sure you'll find them. If we run into any of them, we'll let you know." She said before jumping in to help Miroku. Sting was about to rendezvous with his companions when he saw a young girl standing aside with a bow in her hand oblivious to the sinister man's tentacles making their way towards her.

"Kagome!" The white haired demon yelled from afar as he realized her predicament. She turned around, and her face contorted with sudden horror when she saw them closing in fast. Without thinking Sting rushed in front of her right before they could make contact, and he felt them wrap around his wrists, ankles, waist, and neck, immobilizing him. He struggled but found no way to hit them with his magic.

"Restrain Inuyasha and his brats!" The man called Naraku ordered the band of seven, and in the midst of panic and confusion, Mukotsu restrained a now agitated Kagome who dropped her bow. Ginkotsu pinned Miroku and Sango to the ground with his cannons. Renkotsu and Bankotsu restrained Inuyasha and took him away from his sword. Natsu lunged at Naraku as Rogue made his way to Sting.

"Shadow Dragon's Roar!" He exclaimed towards the tentacles restraining Sting, but Naraku raised them above his attack.

"Amazing!" Miroku exclaimed.

"Not a time to dawdle! Try to get free!" Sango yelled as she struggled beneath the weight of Ginkotsu's cannons. Sting's efforts to free himself dwindled as the tentacle around his neck tightened, depriving him of air.

"Bastard!" Natsu exclaimed as he tried to punch Naraku, but he was quick in his dodges.

"Kirara!" Sango yelled for her companion who came from the forest and transformed into her demon form in a fit of fire. "Free the man Naraku has!" She commanded. Kirara lundged at the tentacles, but a snaked blade cut her off.

"I'm back! Did ya miss me?" A cheery voice announced a new arrival. Rogue looked over in shock to see who he thought he had defeated come out of the forest clearing with another man who didn't look at all like a mercenary.

"I-i k-killed you!" Rogue said with rising anger.

"He has a jewel shard! All these men are dead except Naraku! The only way they're alive is through the power of the sacre-" Kagome began but was cut off.

"Shut up!" Mukotsu hit her head, knocking her out.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha struggled more, and his body pulsed with energy.

"Oh no! He's been away from Tessaiga too long! He's gonna lose control soon! We have to hurry!" Miroku said as he squirmed under Ginkotsu's cannons.

"No use struggling. Just watch as Naraku absorbs these freaks." Bankotsu said amusedly.

"Don't mess with me." Rogue said in a low voice as he began to activate dragon force. "I want to be one who treasures and protects his comrades. I won't let you get in the way." He glared at Jakotsu through the corner of his piercing, red eyes.

"Rogue-sama." Frosch said through sniffles. Lector had been trying in vain to free Sting.

"Sting! Sting! wake up!" He said as he tried to pry open the tentacles, but Naraku had a firm grip and was starting to draw them into himself.

"Ahhhhh!" Rogue exclaimed as he through his dark magic towards Naraku who dropped Sting in the process of dodging, and Natsu finally managed to hit him with an explosion of fire.

"These guys are insane!" Miroku exclaimed. He had quit trying to struggle free out of exhaustion, and Ginkotsu had knocked Sango out. Inuyasha was becoming more and more lost as his demon side was taking control, and Kirara was busy helping Natsu. Rogue ran over to a collapsed Sting in a fit of coughs as he inhaled deeply for air. Lector was worriedly helping Sting to his feet with an agitated Rogue. Sting yelled in anger as he also activated his dragon force, and they got back to back surrounded by their increasing power.

"Naraku, we need to fall back." Bankotsu said as he assessed the situation.

"Unison Raid!" They exclaimed as two huge white and black balls of energy formed. It was almost as if it held all their rage inside, ready to strike.

"All right! That's what I'm talking about!" Natsu said as him and Kirara hurriedly got out of the way.

"Ahhhhh!" Rogue and Sting yelled in unison as they sent their attacks flying at Naraku and the demons. Everyone looked on in awe as they watched the explosion. Everyone except Inuyasha that is.

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