The Odd Man

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"Laxus and I will go look around for the others while you four stay with Erza. We can't afford to get too split up." Mira said as she finished making the campfire for her exhausted friends. Erza laid next to the fire, unconscious, wrapped in Jellal's jacket.

"Why just you, Mira? Why can't I go and you stay?" Freed asked as he crossed his arms, clearly jealous. Mira smirked.

"So you'd rather go, exhausted, to look for the others with the chance of being attacked multiple times by an unknown species while you could be here resting?" She raised an eyebrow, and Freed looked completely defeated in his argument. He dejectedly sat down with no other words, and Mira and Laxus were on their way out to look for the others.

"Why did you suggest just you and me go?" He raised an eyebrow as he emphasized the word 'did' with a suggestive hint. She shot him a glare.

"Not for any of the reasons that you're thinking." She scoffed as she stomped off ahead. He silently caught up with a smirk.

"What do ya mean?! You have such a dirty mind." He stuck his nose up in the air as he teased her.

"Laxus Dreyer!" She stomped her foot in frustration as she glared up at his amused face. Do not start this now," she pushed him with her finger, "because I will not tolerate childish behavior in a serious situation!" She scolded. He put his hands up in surrender.

"I mean if you hadn't had made it dirty," he shrugged his shoulders, "I mean it would have been looked at as an honest question." He said 'matter-of-factly'. He looked down at her to meet the gaze of an angry mage with an oppressing aura and sweat dropped a bit as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Let's go." She growled as she turned to walk away.

"R-right." He hesitantly followed. "They could be-" He began but was cut off as something hit him, sending him flying through the forest.

"Laxus!" Mira ran in the path of destruction. Laxus looked up in frustration as he slid across the ground and met a pair of golden eyes.

"You hit me?!" Lightning sparked around him. The man simply walked around him disinterested, and Laxus relaxed when he saw a little girl on a two headed dragon.

"Who're you?!" The little girl exclaimed in a young, jubilant voice which made Laxus laugh inside.

"Laxus." He said as he folded his arms.

"Wow! How'd you have lightning around you?!" She exclaimed. He looked a little shocked but decided to answer her anyway.

"It's a magic." He said like it was obvious.

"So you're one of those fairy-," she put her finger on her chin in thought. "I can't remember what she said." She said softly. Laxus's eyes widened.

"Who said?!" He asked anxiously.

"Wendy." The little girl said.

"This tall," Laxus imitated how tall Wendy is, "blue hair, and brown eyes?!" He asked anxiously. "And hopefully a little white, flying cat?!" He added. The little girl nodded vigorously.

"She's my friend!" She exclaimed.

"Where'd she go?!" He asked. The little girl looked at the ground solemnly, and Laxus's heart dropped. "She's okay?!" He asked nervously.

"Yea, but I don't know where she went. She said she was looking for her friends from fairy-something. I can't remember." She shook her head.

"Fairy Tail." Laxus smiled.

"That's it!" Rin exclaimed happily. Laxus nodded.

"Best damn guild there is." He said. "Anyway, was she with anyone other than the cat?" He asked.

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