chapter 5

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Welcome to the dumbest thing the Ninjago justice system has every done. Placing the Ninja in jail. But thankfully, the brothers woke up amd could walk on thier own.

Because of constant shouting in the hall of the other prisoners, Nya was startled and tripped over her own feet. Jau was able to catch her but not before he fell always. Cole caught them both and put them back on their feet.
"Don't look scared, look mean. You gotta look hard in a place like this." Cole said, glaring at the people around him.

"Meat, fresh meat." The prisoners chanted.
"Ah!" Jay jolted back.
"Fresh meat!" The prisoners chanted again.

"Don't mind them, they all get a little grouchy when they don't get their meat." The Warden said. A cafeteria woman came out ringing a triangle, giving meat to the prisoners.
"Kryptarium Prison, we've been here before, but as guests, never inmates." Zane stated. Lloyd pulled on the shackles around his hands.
"You can try, but those shackles are made of Vengestone. Pretty good for shutting down your powers, and makin' sure you don't ghost out of here." The Warden said.
"This is a mistake! Your justice system is flawed!" Morro exclaimed, running forwards a bit. The Warden kept walking.

Cole tried to use his super strength to break the chains, but alas, he was trapped. His cuffs also had a Deepstone coating, preventing Cole from phasing through it.
"They aren't gonna break." Nya sighed. The people that the Ninja have previously put in this prison started to bang on the wall and make noise.

"And we're shuffling, we're shuffling." Cole said as he, and others started to do as Cole had previously mentioned.
"Since you're celebrities, I took the liberty of taking you out of the general population..." The Warden said.
"Ha! Who doesn't love special treatment?" Kai shrugged.

"...and placing you in the super mean and dangerous population."

They walked out to where they previously had fough Anacondrai.
"Real special, all right." Nya said.
"It's no problem, warden. We'll do our time until all of this is straightened out." Lloyd said.
"No, we won't! We were unjustly put in here!" Morro exclaimed, stepping forwards again.
"Without a comfession, you aren't supposed to throw us in here. Besides, we have physical evidence!" Morro shouted.
"Jay has some."

"Y-yeah!" Jay exclaimed.
"And we can tell you where we were the exact time you saw that fotage, even ask Zane! He's a Nindroid, it's in his memory!" Morro pointed.
"He could've deleted it when we were interrogated you." The Warden said.
"I assure you, I woild never erase my memory on purpose!" Zane ssid.
"Not that it would matter. You didn't even interrogate us." Morro raised his hand.

"He's not gonna listen." Nya said.
"Well, he should!" Morro shouted.

"Now get in your cell, inmates!" The Warden reached a cell on the main floor.
"Gosh, darn it, I forgot my keys again. Well, stay here while I go find them." The Warden ran off. He ran off, leaving the other prisoners to shout.

"A-at least they're locked up. Hehehehe…" Jay laughed awkwardly. The Mechanic pressed his robo-arm and all the doors slide open. He and the other prisoners surrounded the ninja.

"Nifty gadget. Did you make that?" Lloyd asked.
"They call me The Mechanic. And I got a bone to pick with you." The man said.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." The prisoners stirred.

The Ninja exchanged glances.
"Well, that's one more bone than you've got in your entire arm." Lloyd said.
"I bet you barely have a spine in you as well." Morro added.
"Roasted by the brothers." Cole said.
"Ohhh. And I thought I was the Master of Fire." Kai covered his mouth.
"I used to repair noodle trucks for Master Chen and his underground organization. When you put him out of business, you put me out of business." The Mechanic said.
"Then by my observations, that was your own error. Working for a crime boss isn't a very reliable career choice." Zane stepped forwards.
"By my observation, actions have consequences. And you have to pay. This Nindroid here, it's got spare parts. I could use a few in a place like this." The Mechanic said.
"And I could use a spare arm! These chains won't stop us." Lloyd said.
"Oh my gosh, Morro what did you do to him? Lloyd's roasting people left and right." Kai exclaimed.
"Shut up or else I'll knock you out. Like Lloyd said, these chains won't stop me." Morro said.

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