Chapter 12: Preparation

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Tatsuya POV

Thanks to Ayano everything has been going smoothly, although I have noticed that he only gives them one task and only sits there the whole hour of the study session, in other words, he isn't really working too hard, well he does point out their mistakes and all, but it's not really my place to criticise him since they are indeed making progress and he also took on the task whilst everyone in Class D just deserted them.

I have to question though, will they be able to pass? They are making progress however ever so slowly, Sudō is also catching up with the other two whilst they are chasing the rest of the class.

Based on my theory the school bases the passing mark off of the average, I added all the scores up and then saw if the passing mark had any relation to the average and it turns out that it's near halfway, well if you round it up you get the passing mark so it's close enough.

The rest of the class don't know but if they did it could probably be even more hectic, I thought of proposing a zero score plan to the lot of them but all it takes is one idiot and the whole class would be expelled, although I would love to see that. Being a class all alone... well that would be depressing.

But what Ayano said about our classes passing mark means that they are the same since he said the passing mark for Class S was identical to ours.

However from my observations, the passing mark was half of the classes average, surely it couldn't just be a coincidence. There are three possibilities.

1. It truly is a coincidence and the passing mark is the same for all the classes, however, this theory doesn't fit into the school's ideology so it makes this possibility questionable.

2. Ayano knows about how the passing mark is calculated and is keeping this information from our class. He doesn't have an obligation to tell us after all so it would make sense that he doesn't tell us moreover he has no reason to give us information, especially vital information such as a passing mark that could affect a students outcome of an exam since at this school all the classes are at war with each other.

A long three-year war.

3. Somehow and this is a big somehow, Class S had the same passing mark as us making it look like the passing mark is the same for both classes and Ayano hasn't figured this out.

Theory number 3 is definitely off the list.

Leaving only theories one and two, out of the two the latter is certainly the one I would bet on if I had to. I can easily end this if I ask another class about their passing mark.

"Let's end it here for today." Ayano's monotone voice cut through my spiralling thoughts.

"Good work guys!" I said to the three who were breathing sighs of relief due to the study session being over. "Ayano you going back to the dorms now?"

"You go on ahead I have someone to talk to."

"Ooo has Ayano captured the heart of maiden and is meeting her in secret?" I asked trying to incite a reaction from the ever emotionless guy himself.

"..." He didn't respond, instead he stared at me blankly.

"I'm kidding... unless..." I continued to try. However, he responded with a no and told me to go on ahead. One day I will see you smile Ayano, one day.

After Ayano told me to go on ahead as he walks towards a different corner of the library. Well, it's not my thing to pry into other peoples affairs, especially when they're the ones helping you so I'll just let him be.

After leaving I wandered around the school building aimlessly "I have nothing to do here so I'll just head back to the dorms." I muttered to myself.

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