Azriel X F!Reader *Request*

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It was a bit rushed, so I hope you like it anyway!

Tamlin was in one of his moods again.

I stood along the wall as he threw furniture, and ripped things off the wall.  None of the other servants dared to interfere knowing it would end with more blood and bruises for them.  So we stood silently, watching.

"What?  What is so interesting about me that you keep staring at me?" Tamlin roars.

"Nothing, High Lord," I mumble, looking down at the floor.

Tamlin roars again, sending a plate flying at my body.  The plate crashes against the wall next to me, and sprays me with the pieces of ceramics.

I could see the blood rushing down my arm, but I couldn't see the color.  

Nothing had color.  That's how it was until you met your mate.  But some fae went their whole lives without finding their mates.

"Get out of my sight!  If any of you disturb me, you'll find yourselves with no meals for the week."

The other maids and I rush out of the room, not wanting to anger the High Lord more than he already was.

I found myself in the stable, most of the stable hands had left, after Feyre fled with Lucien to the Night Court.

When Feyre left the first time, Tamlin was a raging mess, but then we had Lucien.  Lucien kept most of the pressure off of the other servants, but at a cost to himself.  But after Feyre left for the second time, she took Lucien with her.  With Feyre and Lucien gone, Tamlin took his anger out on me, and his other servants.

I never have, and never will blame Feyre for leaving.  She deserved a life full of happiness with her mate.  Though, I often find myself wishing I could leave this horrid place as well.  

I never wanted to be a servant to the High Lord, I always wanted to fight.  I was quite good, too.  My mother signed me up to be the High Lord's servant, worried that I would waste my life doing something that I would never accomplish.  So she ruined my life.

Now, I can't escape this life.  No.  No, I can't think like that, I'm a fighter and a fighter never gives up.  Never.

What could I do?  I would have to wait until night fall, slip through to the Winter Court where I had a few friends that would hide me.

But, I could not have the freedom I wish I could.  Tamlin would notice and hunt me down.  Was my freedom really all that freeing if I spent the rest of my life looking over my shoulder?

"If only I had made powerful friends when I had the chance," I mutter, patting a horse's neck.  "I could escape, and leave this horrid place like Feyre did."

"All you have to do is ask."

My eyes widen, and I whirl around, latching my arms around the female's neck.

"I missed you too," Feyre sighs.

"What are you doing here?" I question, leaping back.  "If Tamlin catches your scent-"

"He won't.  And I'm here for you."

"Me?  Why me?"

"I'll explain it to you when we get to a safe place."

I scan my friend over once more, before agreeing and taking Feyre's hand.

Opening my eyes, I see myself surrounded by beautiful shops, that would be even more beautiful if I could see the colors.  

"Welcome to the Night Court."

"This is the place where the most powerful High Lord lives?  The High Lord of the Night Court who's name is whispered with fear?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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