You Steal Their Stuff (Alex)

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This is going to be a platonic relationship.

You watched as the band practiced, as Alex's sticks hit the drums, Reggie and Luke's fingers flying along their instruments.

You were slowly drifting off to sleep when there was something put over you, you yawned and moved into a more comfortable spot.

When you woke up, the band was gone so you got off Luke's couch and headed towards your house, which was right next door.

You went about your day as normal until dinner where your mother asked, "Is that a new sweatshirt, Y/n?"

I look down and indeed the sweatshirt you were wearing was not yours.

"Uh, no," was your brilliant response.

"Then why have I never seen it before?"

"A friend let me wear it," you say, "I'm going to give it back to him tomorrow."

"Ooh, it's a he?"

"Mom, seriously?  Alex is just a friend who let me wear his sweatshirt."

"Okay, whatever," your mom says, rolling your eyes.

The next day at band practice, you sit down on Luke's couch and watch the band enter the garage.

"Hey, N/n!" Luke calls.


"Isn't that Alex's sweatshirt?"

"Maybe," you say.

"Hey guys," Alex says walking into the garage.

"Y/n's wearing your sweatshirt," Reggie blurts.

You glare at the boy, who gulps.

"Oh, yeah, I gave my sweatshirt to Y/n while we practiced," Alex says, after sitting at his drums.

"Why?" you ask,

"So you didn't get a cold."

"Oh, thanks Alex!"

"No problem."

"Well now that is aside, we're going to have to step up our game since, Y/n fell asleep during practice.  We don't want any of our fans falling asleep," Luke says.

When they were finished practicing, you walked up to Alex and told him, "This is my sweatshirt now."

"Uh-" Alex starts.

You raise a eyebrow.

"Are you sure you want my sweatshirt?"

"It's warm and cozy and mine," you say walking away.


Sorry for the short update!  The next one should be longer!

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