Sorry| Carrie X Reader

76 2 1

She missed it, again.

We made plans and then she ditched me to try and make 'Julie and the Phantoms' look bad.

Well enough is enough, I'm done waiting around for her.

"Y/n!" Nick calls.

"Hey, Nick, how are you?"

"I'm good, you're still coming to my game, right?"

"I'll be there," I promise.  "Do you know where either, Flynn or Julie are?"

"I think they're in the music room."

"Thanks!" I call, as I walk towards the music room.

"Flynn?  Julie?"

"Y/n?" a voice calls back.

"Yeah, it's me."

"How can we help you?" Julie asks.

"Need something for your demon of a girlfriend?" Flynn questions.

"Flynn!" Julie gasps.

"No, I was wondering how you came across the ghosts of Sunset Curve?"

"How did you know?"

"I grew up listening to their songs, it only makes sense that I would know the faces of the band members.  It doesn't hurt that I can see ghosts."

The two girls gape at me.

"How long have you known?"

"Since the concert at the school."

"You're concerned about how long Y/n has know about the ghosts?" exclaims Flynn.  "I'm still processing the fact that Y/n can see ghosts."

"It's a gift that every second born child in my family has."

"So you're the second born, then?" Flynn asks.

"That's correct."

"But why did you approach us?" Julie asks.

"I want to help you."

"Why?  Shouldn't you be offering to help your girlfriend?" Flynn asks.

"I would, except I don't have a girlfriend," I say.

"She dump you?"

"I dumped her.  She cared too much about beating you and your band, that she completely forgot about me."

"Wow, I'm sorry Y/n," Julie says with a frown.

"Don't worry about it," I say with a shrug.  "What about the band thing?"

"We could use some help with organizing gigs and practice," Flynn says.

"I'll do it!"

"Perfect," says Julie.

The gig I booked for the band was happening in a couple minutes, and I was busy surveying the crowd.

"Y/n!" a voice says from behind me.

I jump and face Reggie.

"Hi Reg," I say, taking out my phone.

"What are you doing?"

I hold the phone to my ear and respond, "I'm just looking at the crowd that's come out for your gig."

"Ah.  We wanted to say thanks again for getting us the gig."

I smile, "It's no big deal, my parents are friends with the owners and I was talking up the band."

I gasp, seeing a unwelcome face in the crowd.

"What is it?" Reggie asks, also looking at the crowd.

"It's my ex, Carrie."


"Y/n!" Carrie exclaims, walking up to me.

"Carrie," I say, annoyed.  I take the phone away from my ear.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"Well I asked you first."

"Tell her about your part in the band!" Reggie says, knowing how much Carrie dislikes 'Julie and the Phantoms'.

"I'm here to watch the band perform, it's their first concert since I joined the band."

"You're apart of 'Julie and the Phantoms'?"

I nod.

"Are you trying to get my attention?"

"Sorry, but I'm over you," I say with a smirk.

"Sorry?" Carrie exclaims.

"Yeah, I've figured out that you don't deserve me."

Carrie scoffs, "More like you don't deserve me."

"No, because I actually go on dates, arrive on time, and I try to be there when they need me.  You did none of those things.  All you cared about was being better that Julie and her band!  She did nothing to you!"

Carrie splutters.

"Sorry," I shrug, walking away.


I know that wasn't really a 'happy' ending, but did you like it?

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