Haunting| Phantoms X Reader

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"We're done!" you scream at your boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend.


"Why do you think?  Maybe it was because I caught you sucking the face off of someone else?" 

Your ex's eyes widen.

"Yeah, didn't think I would find out did ya?  Well I did, so we're over!"


You storm off, heading towards the garage.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" Alex asks as you walk into the garage.

"Nothing, I'm fine," you scowl at the ghost.

"Yeah, that's why you're glaring at everyone and have red eyes," Luke says from the couch.

"Leave Y/n be," Julie says after you left the garage, "Y/n's boyfriend was caught cheating on Y/n.  So Y/n broke up with him."

"Why would he cheat on Y/n?" Reggie asks.

"Who knows," Julie scoffs.

"Well we're not letting him get away with it!" announces Willy.  "Right?"

"Yeah!" the rest of the boy's cheer.

Soon the ghosts found themselves in the house where your ex lives.

"What are we thinking?" Luke asks.

"We could always go for a good old-fashioned haunting," Reggie suggests.

The rest of the boys agree.

"Y/n's boyfriend should be getting here soon, so I'm thinking we slam the door behind him?" Alex says.

"Then another person could mess with the windows," Willy adds.

"And the lights could flicker," Reggie says.

"Finally the TV will turn on," Luke finishes.

"Good, we have a plan.  To your stations!" Alex says.

A few minutes later your ex walks into the house with the girl who your ex cheated on you with.

The boys exchange nods and Alex slams the front door.

"What was that?" the girl asks.

"Just a breeze," says your ex.

"From inside the house?"

Your ex shrugs.

Willy starts fiddling with the blinds.

Your ex lets out a shriek.

Reggie flips the light switches.

"Let's go," says your ex, looking around scared.

Luke turns on the TV.

Your ex drops to his knees.  "I swear I didn't mean to cheat on Y/n with her," your ex says gesturing at the girl.

"What do you mean cheated?"

"Uh, nothing!"

"You told me you broke up with Y/n weeks ago!  That Y/n was fine with you dating someone else!"

"Drama!" Reggie announces.

"Is anyone recording this?" Luke asks.

"With what?  We don't have phones," says Alex.

"We should probably get back," says Willy.

The other ghosts agree and teleport back to the garage.

"Where were you four?" you asks, sitting on Luke's couch.

"So you came back!" Luke announces.

"And you're avoiding the question."

"We love you Y/n!" the ghosts scream as you storm towards them.

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