Suspention| Avengers X Reader

139 7 2

The story is a bit far-fetched!

"Now please explain to me what happened?" asks the principal of your school, Midtown.

"Well," you trail off thinking about what happened.

Flash was being a jerk again, he tripped Peter. Peter fell face first into his homemade lunch. Some of the food got on your jeans but most of it got onto Peter's face and shirt.

"Watch where you're going Parker."

"Ignore him, Peter," you says as you hand multiple napkins to your friend.

"Your jeans, Y/n," says Peter.

"Eh, they're fine," you say wiping at the food.

"Aww look Parker's got himself a special friend! I bet it's fake, just like his internship! Or L/n feels sorry for Parker and is dating him out of pity."

"Y/n, calm," Peter says looking at your pissed face.

"He's been bullying you for forever, it's time someone put a stop to that," you say.

"L/n punched me in the face!" says Flash.

You look over at his crooked nose and smile inwardly.

"Is this true, L/n?"

"Of course it is! Have you seen his nose! It wasn't like this in the morning!" says Flash's mom.

"L/n, you are suspended."

"Of course, sir," you say, smirking at Flash. "But did you also know that Flash has been bulling multiple other students? Including my best friend, Peter Parker. You're lucky Peter didn't tell Mr Stark or else you might be facing a very angry Iron Man."

"His internship isn't even real!" says the principal.

"Yes it is, my mother is a Avenger, so I would know."

"Really? Whose your mom?" asks Flash.

"Black Widow," you say smirking at the boy who turned pale.

"Please," scoffs Flash's mom. "You're just looking for attention just like that idiot Parker-"

You quickly type on your phone hidden under the table:

                                                                                                           Hey Uncle Bucky?


                                                                                 I'm going to get suspended so I
                                                                                need my mom to pick me up

Why are you going
to get suspended?

And why don't you
just ask your mom

                                                            I'm going to get suspended for punching
                                                            a boy who was bulling Peter and have
                                                            you met my

Fair, I'll tell the
rest of the Avengers
that you'll
be home
late and send your
mom to pick you up

                                                           Thanks, see you soon.

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