Chapter Six: All I ask of you

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On the roof, Loki was dressed in his costume. But he had just witnessed what (Y/N) had done to Obadiah. He was horrified and disgusted. How could a person do something like this to someone? It was awful. Sylvie arrived on the roof. She had followed him there.

'Why have you brought us here?' Sylvie asked.

'Don't take me back there,' Loki begged.

'We must return.'

'She'll kill me. Her eyes will find me there!'

'Loki, don't say that.'

'Those eyes that burn.'

'Don't even think it.'

'And if she has to kill a thousand men.'

'Forget this waking nightmare.'

'The Phantom of the Opera will kill again.'

'The Phantom is a fable! Believe me, there is no Phantom of the Opera!'

'My God, who is this girl?'

'My God, who is this girl?'

'Who hunts to kill.'

'This mask of death.'

'I can't escape from her.'

'Whose is this voice you hear?'

'I never will.'

'With every breath?'

'And in this labyrinth where night is blind. The Phantom of the Opera is here/there inside my/your mind,' They said

'There is no Phantom of the Opera!' Sylvie said making Loki face her.

Loki pushed her off him, 'Sylvie, I've been there! To her world of unending night! To a world where the daylight dissolves into darkness. Darkness. Sylvie, I've seen her! Can I ever forget that sight? Can I ever escape from that face?' Loki hugged her, 'So distorted, deformed. It was hardly a face in that darkness. Darkness.'

Loki let go of her, 'But her voice filled my spirit with a strange, sweet sound. In that night there was music in my mind. And through music, my soul began to soar and I heard as I'd never heard before.'

'What you heard was a dream and nothing more,' Sylvie told him

'Yet in her eyes, all the sadness of the world. Those pleading eyes that both threaten and adore.'

'Loki, Loki.'

'Loki,' (Y/N) sang.

"What was that?" Loki asked frightened. 

The two looked around for any sign of her but she was nowhere to be found. Loki fell to his knees, crying. He's been put through too much to the point he can't help but break down. Who could blame him? Sylvie noticed his state and came over.

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