Chapter Seven: Masquerade

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It's now been six months since the Phantom incident and (Y/N) has been awfully quiet. Of course, Stephen and Wong had no problem with that. No notes, no threats, absolutely nothing. Almost like she never existed. So, in honor of the new year and six months without the Phantom, Stephen was throwing a masquerade party. Which is happening tonight. But first, Wong and Stephen were making sure there was no phantom around but ended up bumping into each other. They took off their masks, revealing it was them

'Dear Stephen, what a splendid party,' Wong said smiling

'The prologue to a bright new year,' Stephen said smiling

'Quite a night, I'm impressed,' Wong took some champagne from a waiter

'Well, one does one's best,' Stephen took some too

'Here's to us,' They said smiling

'A toast to all the city,' Stephen said smiling

'Such a pity that The Phantom can't be here,' Wong teased.

The two laughed as they heard music playing. It was more of the guests in all sorts of costumes. Loki and Sylvie among them. Loki wore a black suit with a green waistcoat and a small golden-horned headpiece. Sylvie wore a green and black dress with the same headpiece as Loki but with one horn missing. They looked great.

(A/N: I've put in a video of the scene because I'm very bad at writing the Masquerade scene. But, I will write the end of it.)

'Masquerade! Paper faces on parade. Masquerade! Hide your face, so the world will never find you. Masquerade! Every face a different shade. Masquerade! Look around—there's another mask behind you. Masquerade! Burning glances, turning heads. Masquerade! Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you. Masquerade! Grinning yellows, spinning reds. Masquerade! Take your fill—let the spectacle astound you...'

The mood changed just as the music did. She's here. Everyone slowly turned around to see her in a red dress with a big, red fedora and a skull mask that she could make the jaw move. Loki was terrified to see his Angel of Music again. Why was she here?

'Why so silent, good Monsieur? Did you think that I had left you for good? Have you missed me, good Monsieur? I have written you an opera,' she shows a big script, 'Here I bring the finished score; 'Don Juan Triumphant!'' She threw the script and Stephen caught it, 'I advise you to comply. My instructions should be clear. Remember there are worse things than a shattered chandelier!'

Scared and wanting to be away from the crowd, Stephen and Wong leave with the script. (Y/N) approached Loki who stayed still. Around his neck, she saw a ring. It was the engagement ring Sylvie gave him. 

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