Chapter Eleven: The final lair

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Their guest was Sylvie! She finally found them. 

"Miss, this is indeed an unparalleled delight! I had rather hoped that you would come,' (Y/N) said smiling

Sylvie tried to run over but (Y/N) stopped her by grabbing onto Loki. 

'And now my wish comes true. You have truly made my night!'

'Free him!' (Y/N) laughed at Sylvie's demand, 'Do what you like only free him! Have you no pity?"

'Your lover makes a passionate plea!' (Y/N) said to Loki

"Please, Sylvie, it's useless!" Loki told her

'I love him! Does that mean nothing? I love him! Show some compassion!" Sylvie demanded

"The world showed no compassion to me!" (Y/N) yelled

'Loki, Loki. Let me see him!"

"Be my guest!"

(Y/N) let Loki go and let Sylvie approach him. They shared a kiss and (Y/N) looked away. But she had one last trick up her sleeve. 

'Miss, I bid you welcome. Did you think that I would harm him? Why would I make him pay for the sins which are yours?' She took a lasso and tied it around Sylvie's neck.

She forgot what Natasha told her. Keep your hand at the level of your eyes! Sylvie didn't do that. (Y/N) tied the lasso up so Sylvie couldn't escape.

'Order your fine horses now! Raise up your hand to the level of your eyes! Nothing can save you now. Except perhaps, Loki,' (Y/N) ran over to him, 'Start a new life with me, buy her freedom with your love! Refuse me, and you send your lover to her death! This is the choice! This is the point of no return!'

(Y/N) played a few keys on her organ as she carried out that last note. 

'The tears I might have shed for your dark fate grow cold, and turn to tears of hate!' Loki said annoyed now.

'Loki, forgive me, please forgive me,' Sylvie begged, 'I did it all for you, and all for nothing!'

They all started to sing over each other. (Y/N) was shocked that Loki now hated her. This wasn't her plan! Sylvie tried explaining that, if Loki chose (Y/N) anyway, she would still be killed. But Loki was too angry at (Y/N) to care right now. He saw her as an angel now all he sees her as is a monster. 

'For either way you choose you cannot win/she has to win,' (Y/N) and Sylvie told Loki.

'So, do you end your days with me or do you send her to her grave?' (Y/N) asked Loki

'Why make him lie to you to save me?' Sylvie asked her.

And they started singing over each other again. Sylvie was begging Loki to say no and not to throw his life away for her. (Y/N) was telling him that Loki had to earn Sylvie if he made the right choice. All the while Loki was wondering when (Y/N) would see some sort of reason and just let him go. No one deserves this. 

'Angel of music...'

'You've passed the point of no return,' (Y/N) said to Loki.

'You deceived me! I gave you my mind blindly!' Loki told her.

(Y/N) couldn't believe that. She believed she did no wrong. She just wants Loki to love her. Even if that means taking away his future and Sylvie. 

(Y/N) looked at him, "You try my patience, make your choice!"

And looked away again. (Y/N) knew how this would end. Loki would choose Sylvie. But she didn't want to face that heartbreak just yet. She wanted his answer.

'Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known? God give me courage to show you, you are not alone.'

Loki turned her around and kissed her. (Y/N) was more than shocked now. Loki was actually kissing her! She's only ever dreamed of this day to come but never imagined it would actually happen! Loki pulled away and hugged her. (Y/N) didn't hug back properly since she's never been hugged before. Loki pulled away from the hug and kissed her again. (Y/N) finally kissed back. Sylvie was hurt seeing this. She felt betrayed.

(Y/N) and Loki pulled away again and stared at each other. (Y/N) didn't know what to do now. She almost felt like her life was now complete. She's been kissed by the man she loves and shown that she can be loved. Just from Loki's actions, (Y/N) knew what she must do. Taking a candle, she lit it and went over to Sylvie who was glaring at her. After one final glance at Loki, (Y/N) burned the rope. She was letting them go. 

"Take him, forget me, forget all of this!" (Y/N) told Sylvie.

She was letting them both go! They could hear the mob coming too. (Y/N) told them both to leave and forget her and all that they've seen. And never tell anyone about her. She had to yell at them to leave because they wouldn't leave. When they did, (Y/N) fell to the ground, crying. She didn't want to let Loki go but she had to.

She realized that Loki loved Sylvie more. But she saw the consequences of her actions so did what had to be done. Her music box started playing its tune. It was Masquerade. That's why Natasha and Sylvie remembered it during the auction later in the future. (Y/N) crawled over to it.

'Masquerade. Paper faces on parade. Masquerade. Hide your face so the world will never find you.'

She felt someone watching behind her. It was Loki. He came back. (Y/N) stood up and Loki offered her the ring back. 

'Loki, I love you,' (Y/N) said taking the ring back.

Loki kissed the back of her hand which had the ring in and left. (Y/N) watched him. Loki turned back one last time. He didn't want to leave. But (Y/N) gave her a nod saying it's alright to go. He was free. They both turned away. 

'Say you'll share with me, one love, one lifetime,' Loki sang

'Say the word and I will follow you,' Sylvie said offering her hand.

'Share each day with me, each night, each morning,' and Loki had left with Sylvie

'You alone can make my song take flight! It's over now, the music of the night!' (Y/N) said.

But the search for her wasn't over. (Y/N) heard the mob so she pulled off one last miracle. She took a sheet with her to a big chair. She sat down and covered herself with it. Bucky arrived not long after. The first thing he saw was the sheet. He took it off but (Y/N) was gone. All that remained was a mask. The last piece of evidence that suggests there ever was A Phantom of the Opera. 

~The End of The Phantom of the Opera~

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