Chapter Thirteen: Till I hear you sing

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Coney Island was one of the top sights to see in America. And it was beautiful. Bucky was one of the performers in Phantasma who was known as The Winter Soldier. One of the other performers was Gamora, an aerialist extraordinaire, Vision, Master of ceremonies, and the Incredible Hulk, the world's strongest man. Everyone knows about how (Y/N) created Coney Island but no one sees her. She stays in her office where she writes songs for Bucky to sing every season. Bucky is always happy to do that for (Y/N) because he has a major crush on her.

So, he always does his best to impress her but (Y/N) hasn't once noticed his talents. Why? Because (Y/N) still loves Loki. It's been ten years but (Y/N) regrets leaving Loki after that night. And she regrets leaving her child to someone else. Bucky didn't know where or who he left the child to so (Y/N) has become really depressed due to all of her bad decisions. So falling or noticing Bucky wasn't an option. But (Y/N) has become obsessed with Loki all over again. She has yet another wax figure of him in a new suit made for him. It looks like his Masquerade costume from ten years ago with some added touches. 

'Ten long years living a mere facade of life. Ten long years wasting my time on smoke and noise! In my mind, I hear melodies pure and unearthly but I find I can't give them a voice without you. My Loki. My Loki. Lost and gone. Lost and gone.'

(Y/N) looked away from her wax figure. She forgot something to complete the look. The golden horns she managed to steal from him. Still looking new. She put it on the wax figure and backed away looking at the final product. Perfection.

'The day starts, the day ends. Time crawls by. Night steals in, pacing the floor. The moments creep, yet I can't bear to sleep till I hear you sing. And weeks pass, and months pass,' she looked away, 'Seasons fly. Still, you don't walk through the door. And in a haze, I count the silent days till I hear you sing once more.'

'And sometimes at night time, I dream that you are there but wake, holding nothing but the empty air. And years come, and years go. Time runs dry. Still, I ache down to the core. My broken soul can't be alive and whole till I hear you sing once more. And music, your music, it teases at my ear. I turn and it fades away and you're not here! Let hopes pass, let dreams pass. Let them die. Without you, what are they for? I'll always feel no more than halfway real till I hear you sing once more!'

(Y/N) looked back at the figure again. All she needs to make her happy again is to hear Loki's voice just one last time. That's all she wants. Bucky soon ran in to ask how he did in his performance. (Y/N) covered the wax figure with a curtain.

'Tell me, did you watch? Tell me that you saw. Did you hear the crowd, the way they cheered, I hope you're proud!' Bucky said, 'Did you like the new routine? Was it passable, I mean? I can change a thing or two, what should I do? No, don't say it, I can guess, but I promise I'll progress.'

"Yes, of course. Whatever you feel is best," (Y/N) told him clearly wanting to be left alone.

'Did the costume look okay? Too revealing, would you say? People seemed to like the view.'

"Bucky, please..." Natasha said coming into the room.

'I could show a bit more skin, that would sure bring 'em in --' Bucky said.

"Bucky!" Natasha said stopping Bucky from asking more questions, 'Can't you see that the mistress' at work? Can't you see that her mind's somewhere else? Can't you see that obviously, she's thinking of things more important than you?'

"Careful, Madame." (Y/N) said, "You're forgetting yourself."

'Don't you see she forgot what this is? Opening day, a big deal, what a fuss? Our success means not I guess compared to the things that the Mistress must do!'

"That's quite enough!" 

Natasha pulled back the curtain with a wax doll of Loki trying to prove her point to Bucky, 'Loki! Loki.'

'Loki...' Bucky sang sadly

"Bucky, leave. Now!" Natasha told him, 'In Paris when the mob surrounded you, who was there? We were there. Where was he when the low men hounded you? Gone, long gone. We stayed on. Who concealed you safe away? Smuggled you up to Calet? Found a freighter out of France?'

'I don't see the problem. This is ancient history,' (Y/N) said.

'And once here, when the sideshow hired you, who stood by? Bucky and I. While they kept you on display, who kept working night and day? Who gave you their very lives? And who helped you buy that sideshow? Who helped you finance your scheme? Who wouldn't quit 'till your act was a hit? And your hit could become your dream? Who played the politicians, lured investors, and the press? No, not him. And who stayed with you, helped you, and advised you? We stayed with you, loved and idolized you. He betrayed you, shunned you, and despised you!'

You could tell (Y/N) was going to lose it. Natasha was crossing the line.

'He chose Sylvie, chose her beauty and youth. It's long past time you faced--' 

"ENOUGH!" (Y/N) yelled, 'You'll be repaid as I promised you would. Now, if you've anything else left to say.'

Natasha left. She has really taken things too far now. For ten years, she's tried to help Bucky get noticed so (Y/N) can fall for him and it's all been a waste. And Natasha has become more controlling since her days at the opera. Not to mention manipulative. But (Y/N) never takes any notice of this because she's too busy and, honestly, too depressed to care. 

'Oh Loki, my Loki, yes you've fled from my face once before. But Loki, what we shared, even you can't ignore! My Loki, I'll be no longer denied; I'll have you back by my side, my sweet Loki! And come what may, I swear, somehow, someway, I will hear you sing once more!'

The Phantom of the Opera (Loki X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ