Vegetative State

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Brian jumped up and started de cluttering before Julie arrived. He kept a pretty clean apartment, but he'd been busy the past few days with work so he'd let things slide a bit.

He needed to do laundry, he had a full week of filming and then they had shows to do next weekend out of town. He was already missing spending time with Julie.

He was on his way towards the bedroom to grab her a tshirt and shorts. Dare he offer her boxer shorts? She'd probably look so good in them. Then he heard a knock on the door.

He opened the door, she smiled. "Hey stranger."
"Hey yourself" he smiled back. He opened the door wider and motioned for her to come in. All three of his cats jumped down from their post to investigate.

"Awwww your cats are beautiful" she bent down to pet them and say hello.

"Yeah, they're my partners in crime." he laughed.

"So cute." She said. She was nervous though she didn't know why. She stood up and turned around. Brian was right behind her. She smiled again. ". Good to see you, thanks for inviting me over."

"Thanks for coming" he held his arms open for a hug. She really liked having his arms around her. God he smelled so good. She rested her head on his chest for a minute.

"You ok?" Brian asked.

Crap, she'd hugged to long.

"Oh yeah I'm good, just exhausted and you feel good wrapped around me." She sighed.

Oh good god the places his mind went with that statement.

Julie thought to herself, Oh God does he feel good.

Julie sat her purse down and sat down on the couch and the cats came running over. Brian smiled. The cats seemed instantly drawn to her too.

"Hey make yourself at home, can I get you anything to drink?"he asked.

"A glass of water would be great. Thank you". "Trying to rehydrate myself after that mess I made of myself last night." She added.

"Oh you weren't that bad. You were cute actually."

"So some people are the mean drunks, some people are the sad drunks, and me......."

Brian jumped in, "you're the cute drunk."

Julie laughed. "I like you Brian Quinn."

At that moment Brian realized he didn't know her last name. She could read his mind.

"Stobart...." She said.

"Stobart....." Brian said.....I like you too Julie Stobart"

He came over and handed her the glass of water. She set it down and he sat down next to her.

"I really like you." He said.

"I really like you too." She replied.

Brian leaned into her. She reached up and stroked his hair. He had the most gorgeous brown eyes. He really wanted to have his way with her but he really didn't want her to think he just invited her over to fuck. But man did he want to fuck her.

She leaned in towards him, he looked at her, she had beautiful blue eyes. Next thing he knew, they were kissing. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. She ran her hands through his hair. Omg he wanted to kiss her forever. She nibbled on his lips as they kissed. He felt himself getting hard. He knew he had to stop. Even though all he could think about was being inside her, he didn't want tonight to be just about that. Didn't want her to think that's all he wanted when he asked her over. His jeans were getting tight. Luckily one of the cats jumped behind them and it startled Julie. They came up for air.

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