Quinn party of three

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Brian managed to get Caroline into the car without any brain damage. Then he helped Julie get into the car. She opted to sit in the backseat next to Caroline. Brian was so nervous.
"Juls, is she strapped in tight?" Brian asked.
"Yes honey she is, we're both good back here." She smiled at him in the rear view.
"Ok well I'm not going the speed limit. I've got precious cargo now."
"Honey, you're a good driver, I'm ready to be home."
"Me too Juls, me too."

They arrived home, Brian helped Julie out of the car then got Caroline's car seat out of the base
""I can't believe how sore I am, I feel like I've done a thousand squats and my girl parts have been ripped apart."
"Well in a way, that's exactly what happened." Brian said.
Carol and James came out to help get everything out of the car.
Julie made it up the steps into the house and Brian helped her sit on the couch. He set the car seat down next to her.
"I'm gonna go help pop. You relax and I'll be right back." He said kissing her on the lips.
Julie was so tired, she laid her head back against the couch. Carol came in, "you ok honey?" She asked.
"Oh I'm great, just super exhausted, but I guess I should get used to that." Julie smiled. She heard Caroline starting to stir in the car seat, she gently unzipped the carrier cover and Caroline peeked up at her. Carol cooed at her.
"Julie honey can I hold her?" Carol asked.
"Oh Mom, you don't have to ask, of course you can." Julie assured.
The guys finished bringing in everything and sat down. Brian smiled looking at his Mom holding his daughter.
"I still can't believe I'm a Dad." Brian said.
"I hope it's good disbelief." Julie said.
"Well of course it is, but it's kinda scary too. Like, it's our job to keep this child safe and alive." Brian stated.
"Uh yeah that's generally how it's done." Julie said with a wink.
"Hey I've got dinner ready if you guys are hungry. I made a huge pot of chicken and dumplings." Carol announced.
"Oh Ma I love you." Brian said jumping up to hug her. "I'm starving."
"I'm pretty hungry too." Said James
About that time Caroline started fussing. Julie smiled, "I think she's hungry too." She said.
Brian helped her up off the couch. "Where do you want to feed her baby?" He asked.
"I'll go in the nursery and sit in the glider." Julie answered. Carol handed the baby to Brian.
Brian nodded and helped Julie get to the chair in the nursery. Julie sat down and Brian handed Caroline to Julie. She pulled up her shirt and unfastened her nursing bra. As soon as she nestled Caroline up against her, she latched right on. Julie sighed in relief. "I was so scared she wouldn't latch on once we got home or that we'd be out of sync and she wouldn't want me or something."
"Juls, you're a freakin rock star. I'm so proud of you" Brian said stroking Caroline's hair.
Julie smiled up at him. "I just don't ever want her or anyone else to ever wonder about my parenting skills." Wiping away a tear.
Brian kissed her on the lips and stroked her cheek. "I promise you, you will never, ever, have to worry about that."
Brian sat down on the floor at Julie's feet. They played with Rollie's hands, her tiny little fingers and kissed her little face.
He looked up and saw a tear rolling down Julie's cheek.
"Honey, what's wrong?" He asked, concerned.
"I still can't believe this is all real."she said wiping the tears away. "A year ago if you'd told me I'd be married and having a baby I'd have laughed and said you were out of your mind."
"Same here, it is all pretty surreal." He smiled.
"Thank you for coming into that bar and staying the night."
"Thank you for asking me over to your table and getting so drunk I had an excuse to stay the night."
They both smiled. Caroline started making adorable baby grunts.
Caroline was eating well so Julie switched her to the other side.
Brian studied Julie's face. You could see it on her face, she was so happy.
Julie caught brian looking at her. "What?" She asked.
"Nothing I was just admiring you." He said rubbing her knee.
"You have no idea how beautiful you look right now." He said standing up. About that time they heard the doorbell ring.
Julie lowered her head in defeat. "I'm so tired." She said.
"Hey, you finish feeding Rollie, I'll go see who's here and when you and Rollie are ready for visitors, come on out. I'll put the bug in every ones ear that we're exhausted and need sleep."
"Thank you," she looked up and smiled.
He leaned down and kissed Julie on the lips, "I love you." He said.
Julie laid her head against the back of the glider looking up at Brian, "I love you too."
Brian stepped out of the room and slowly and quietly shut the door behind him. Thankfully no one had arrived to visit but a delivery driver had brought a beautiful floral arrangement for Julie and Caroline.
Julie finished feeding the baby and picked her up and nestled her against her neck and shoulder to burp her. Caroline burped almost immediately. Julie sat and rocked her for a few mins. The room was dark and quiet. They both fell asleep.
Brian was talking to his mom and Dad when he realized his girls hadn't come out. He jumped up and went to check on them and he opened the door. He ran back to get his camera. This definitely needed to be captured on camera.
Carol came behind him. "Oh how precious." She said clutching her hand to her heart.
Brian went over and tried to gently lift Caroline out of Julie's arms. He handed the baby to his mom. During all the movement Julie stirred.
"Omg is she ok?" Julie jumped up our of the chair.
"She's great Juls, I was just going to put you to bed for awhile. She's fed, I'll change her, mom and pop are here. No reason you can't get some much needed and earned rest." Brian said putting his arm around her.
"Are you sure?" Julie asked sleepily.
"Oh sweetheart, yes, we're all here and you need to rest. We'll wake you if she gets hungry or too fussy." Carol said patting her shoulder.
Julie nodded and walked towards the bedroom. Brian went with her.
Julie grabbed a tshirt from the shared drawer and put it on and climbed into bed.
Brian laid down next to her for a minute.
He rolled over on his side and rubbed Julie's back. Julie rolled over to face him. He wrapped his arms around her. She snuggled in close.
"I never, ever get tired of being in your arms." She said with a yawn,
Brian stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. "Neither do I." He agreed.
"You get some sleep and I'll bring Rollie in when she's hungry. " he covered her and she went right to sleep.
Brian walked out into the living room. Kelly and Sal had stopped by.
"Sorry guys, she just went to sleep." Brian said reluctantly.
"We took a chance coming over. I hope we aren't imposing to much." Kelly said unsure.
"No we love you guys, you're always welcome." He said, " I just can't bring myself to wake her up."
"No man, no way would we ask you to wake her up." Sal interjected. "It's all good."
Carol had been holding Rollie, she stood up and offered her to Kelly. Kelly gladly took her into her arms.
"She truly, truly is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen." Kelly said snuggling her closely.
"She has your eyes Brian." Kelly smiled. "Throughout Julie's whole pregnancy, that's all I ever heard was how she hoped the baby would have your eyes.
"Her eyes are Blue." Sal said confused.
"All babies eyes are blue when they're first born silly." Kelly informed. "She's going to have his eyes."
Carol invited Kelly and Sal to have a bite to eat. They all sat in the dining room enjoying dinner and chatting. A couple of hours later Julie came out of the bedroom. She was surprised to see Sal and Kelly there.
Kelly jumped up to hug her. Brian was sitting at the table holding Rollie. It melted Julie's heart to see brian holding their daughter.
"How long was I asleep?" Julie said rubbing her eyes to wake up.
"Not long sweety." Kelly said getting up to hug Julie.
Caroline was getting fussy. Julie reached down to take her from Brian.
"Juls, you need to eat." Brian said concerned.
"I know, I will, I just can't eat knowing she's hungry."
Julie took Caroline to the bedroom to feed her. Kelly said, "can I join you? Is that weird?"
"You've seen my boobs as many times as Brian probably has, it's fine." Julie answered.
They sat on the bed in Julie and Brian's room. "So what's new? How's things with you and Sal?" Julie asked.
Kelly smiled. "Great, we're very happy. The lease is up on my apartment next month and we're talking about me moving in."
"Oh my God Kel, that's awesome!" Julie put a arm out to hug her.
"You make this all look like fun JuJu, I want this too." Kelly said wiping away a year.
"It's everything I never knew I needed. I always wanted it but didn't think it was real. As soon as I met Brian, I knew I was wrong."
"I'm so glad you found him Julie."
Julie looked down at Caroline, her sweet little eyes bright and curious. "I still can't believe it. He's amazing, and he loves me. No hidden agendas, not scheming to get with anyone else behind my back. He just wants me."
"He's a smart man. He knows a good thing when he sees it." Kelly winked.
"My whole life I never knew what it was like to feel this loved. I look at him and I can see how much he loves me." Julie said in disbelief.
"We can all see it Julie." Kelly said patting her leg.
Caroline finished eating and Kelly took her from Julie. Julie got herself together and they went back to the dining room. Carol had reheated the food so Julie could have a hot meal to eat. Kelly and Sal decided it was time to head home. They hugged and kissed everyone good night and Kelly promised she'd be over in a day of so.
Brian was cleaning up the kitchen and his Mom came in and made him stop. "You go take care of your wife and baby girl, I got this under control." She said kissing his cheek.
James was sleeping in the recliner in the living room. Brian tapped his hand, James jumped. "Sorry Pop wasn't trying to scare you. Why don't you go to bed. You and Mom have had a long day too."
About that time Carol came into the living room. "Brian's right, let's get some sleep."
She looked at Julie holding Caroline. "You doing ok? Can I help do anything before we turn in?"
"Oh Mom no, you've done more than enough today. I can't thank you enough for all your help." Julie said gratefully.
Carol bent over and kissed Caroline on the forehead. "Good night my sweet princess, let your mom and dad gets some sleep tonight ok?"
Brian kissed his mom good night. "Thanks Ma, I really appreciate everything. We love you."
"You kids know we love you too." Carol said as she walked down the hall.
Suddenly the only sound in the house was Caroline sucking on a pacifier. Brian reached down and scooped her out of Julie's arms. He sat down in the recliner and snuggled her up to him.
Julie smiled. "I love you."
Brian not expecting her to say it, smiled and said, "not sure what I did but, I love you too."
"You didn't have to do anything, just being you is enough." Julie remarked.

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