1. Meet

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This is bad... This is really, really bad...
I hurriedly run to my class, fixing up my uniform while scolding myself for waking up late. I mean, I understand why, studying for tests in university is way more difficult than it is in high school. Everything is so self-paced, I almost don't know where to start.
I stumble back a bit, looking up to see a pale-skinned, white-haired tall figure rubbing his chest and grimacing.
"Ah, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I was focusing on something and wasn't looking at my surroundings..." I look up, and his eyes tell me everything.
He's the famous "Mafumafu" everyone loves.
And so do I.
It's a long story.
He tilts his head, and chuckles slightly. "It's fine, it's fine. I'm used to this. You go to this university?"
"Um, yes. What are you doing here?"
"Ah... I'm... here to take classes as well."
My eyes widen. Classes? What classes? Wait, what if people notice him? What if—
"Is there any chance you have glasses, or there's some sort of costume room with wigs... I really don't want people to notice me."
"Um, there's a costume room... but I do have a mask and some glasses if you want that, there'll probably be someone who's in there, there's always someone in there and they're very picky about people borrowing stuff."
"Ah, I see. I'll just take what you have, then."
I smile and rummage into my bag, searching for the mask and the glasses. I hand them over to him.
"I'm really sorry again..."
"And again, it's okay. I know you meant no harm. And besides, it's nice seeing someone who isn't burdening me with questions about me being an utaite."
My face slowly turns a crimson red, looking away. "Uh, y-you're welcome..?"
He smiles and laughs a little, which melts my heart.
I think I might be his new biggest fan.

Holy mother of Soraru I'm actually doing this.... hElp me

Oh well fellow soraru hunter this is for you I hope you and everyone else reading this enjoys it~

*blushes profusely while listening to Mafu's cover of gigantic otn*

uwu /j

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