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(Didnt spell check)

M - *cries* your dad left me for some dude in hawaii with a baby

Y - WHAT?!

M - but don't worry I'm going to court tuesday so that I can try to get all of our stuff

Y - dad was gay

M - I guess so

I hugged my mom

Y - it's ok mom how about we go upstairs and you can lay down

M - *nods*

I walked her upstairs and put her in bed

Y - goodnight mom

M - can you sleep with me

Y - no Alex is here

M - oh thats right...goodnight

I turned off the light and closed the door behind me. I was about to make it to my room but I started crying. Why did my dad leave us for some dude with a baby? Where his own kids not enough? My dad likes dudes? I sat against the wall in the dark quiet house balling my eyes out. Ever since I got pregnant I've been so emotional and it sucks becaude I can't hide my feelings like I used to. After about 5 minutes I wiped my tears and went to my room. Alex looked at me as soon as I opened the door

A - baby what's wrong

Y - *cries* m-my d-d-dad

A - your dad

I laid on the bed next to up im and he hugged me

A - what happened

Y - *cries* h-he left

He hugged me tighter and I cried in his chest while he played with my hair. I eventually stopped crying so I sat up

Y - *sniffles* remember how I t-told you that my dad left

A - yeah

Y - well now he's gone for good because he w-went with a dude and his baby in hawaii

A - what

Y - yeah I was confused to like how can he just go but oh well

A - so what about your mom

Y - I don't know she's gonna go to court to get everything under her name Tuesday so I'll probably go with her

He grabbed my hand and kissed it

A - you do whatever you need baby and I will support you

Y - *smiles*

I climbed on top of him and hugged him

A - are we still going to LA tho

Y - yes of course

A - I'm just making sure

I sat up and looked at Alex

Y - I'm so glad your back because now you can help me deal with my shit

A - *sarcastic* yay

Y - *laughs*

I kissed him

Y - I need to change then we can watch a movie

A - ok I need to change to

I got off of him then went to my closet and changed into a white tub top with blue Nike sweatpants. I laid on the bed waiting for Alex. He finally came back dressed in black basketball shorts. He looked at me smiling

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