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After what felt like hours of pain a nurse came in to give me the epidural. My mom and Alex were the only ones in the room with me right now

Nu - alright I'm gonna need you guys to leave so that we can give y/n the epidural

Y - *whines* no please can Alex stay in here

Nu - I'm sorry he's gonna have to go but it will be quick

He gave me a kiss on the forehead

A - it's ok I will be right back baby ok

Y - *nods*

He left and they made me get up. They put the long ass needle in my back and did there thing. After they showed me how to work the machine and I was able to lay back down again

Nu - your having a contraction right now actually

Y - oh my god it feels so much better

Nu - *smiles* glad we can help now I'll let your guest back in and I will be back soon to check on you

Y - ok thank you

She left and Alex came back in with my mom

M - so how does it feel

Y - way better I don't understannd how people can't do this

M - because its a shot in your back

Y - its not that bad

M - also now when your giving birth its gonna a bit longer

Y - at least it won't be painful

M - *laughs*

Alex moved my hair out of my face

M - good thing we are dressed for when the baby comes out

Y - well you guys are dressed I had to change into this hospital gown

M - its cute

Y - I guess

A - your hair and makeup are done

Y - yeah that too

The contractions were closer together but I couldn't feel them. We waited for another while until the doctor came in

Do - alright let's see where you are...*gasps* its that time

Nu - do you want me to bring the cart in

Do - yes please

Y - wait am I gonna have my baby

Do - yes ma'am

Y - *smiles* Alex I'm gonna have our baby

A - I know

He held my hand and kissed it

Do - I'm guessing this is your first baby

Y - yeah

Do - well your in for a surprise

She explained everything to me and they got me ready. My feet were up on little holder things

Do - ok *puts on gloves* are we ready

Y - yeah

*30 minites later*

Y - *cries* ow

Do - come on y/n push I see the head

Y - *whines* I can't it's not possible

Do - just a few more pushes

Y - *shakes head* it hurts

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