Revealed part 2

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*Anna's pov*

"I'd rather not talk about it." I mumble pulling my hood over my face again.

"Please tell me" Justin begged reaching for my hand. What the fuck is he doing? A few days ago he was screaming at me, telling me not to touch him.

I shake my head no. I don't have to tell him anything. I've already told him enough anyway.

"I've already told you too much. I don't trust you." I told him, speaking my mind. He looked a little bit pissed off at first but that soon faded after a while. His face softened and he began to speak.

"I don't blame you for not trusting me. After all I put you through, after all the pain I've caused you, Im not surprised." Justin paused for a little bit but soon continued.

"I'm so sorry..." Justin whispered. His eyes started to become glossy. "I suck at life. I shouldn't even be here right now. I don't deserve to be here. You don't have to tell me anything else. I just need you to hear me out." He said looking me in the eye waiting for me to reply.

I nod and he starts to speak again.

"Okay, so, I've noticed how stupid I've been lately and it's effected a lot of people, You being one of them. I've hurt you the most though and I feel terrible about that. I'm an asshole."

Well, he's not lying. He's a complete asshole! He should feel terrible!

"I was just hoping that maybe you'd agree with me that we should just completely start over. Forget what's happened these passed few years and start fresh. We don't have to talk at All if you don't wanna. I just think it's best we start over." He suggested, rubbing the back of his neck.

I nod my head slowly. "Okay. Never speak to me again. Stay the fuck out of my life. My life would be way better off without you." I spat at him and span around to walk away.

I started speed walking down the corridor to my next lesson. Art. Hopefully, mr.Wilson is back from his days off. I fucking hate our substitute teacher. He's horrible and doesn't know fuck all about art.

He's always tell me I'm doing my work wrong which is bullshit seeing as you can't do it wrong. Art is whatever you want it to be. Wether it's a fine, detailed piece of work or just a scribble on a page. Anything is art.

After breathlessly jogging up a few flights of stairs, I come to the corridor my classroom is on.

Quickly, I run down the corridor then gradually slow my pace to walking speed just before I reach my class.

I knock on the door and wait for someone to open it as I search for my equipment for my lesson in my bag.

I hear the door fly open so I look up to see a disappointed look on Mr.Wilson's face.

YAYYY!!! He's back!

"Why are you late? It's already 15 minutes into the lesson. Normally you're on time." He asked closing the door so no one in the classroom could hear us.

"I got stopped." I simply say, giving up on finding my equitment.

"By who?" Mr.Wilson questioned crossing his arms over his chest.

"A teacher." I lied, holding my book close to me.

He looked at me for a second before replying "okay but next time tell them you need to get to your lesson."

I simply nodded and mr.wilson opened the classroom door and gestures for me to walk in.

As I walk in people were staring at me but I'm kinda use to it.

I walk to the back of the classroom and sit in my normal seat, nobody else on the table with me. I like it like this though. I work Better like this anyway. There is no one to distract me.

I put my art book on the table and open it up to a blank page. I'm nearly at the end of my sketch book but that's only because I do work at home as well. It calms me.

We get to draw whatever we want this week so I chose to draw ed sheeran. I love ed so fucking much it's unbelievable. I'd do anything to meet him. He's my idol! He means everything to me.

Anyway, back on topic!

About 10 minutes later I hear someone knock on the classroom door so like everyone else in this room, I look up to see Justin being let into the room.

I forgot we were in the same art class.

He walks in and looks around for a seat.


I put my head down in my desk, hoping he doesn't come over and sit next to me. But he does! If course he does! He likes to piss me off! Bastard!

I feel someone sit down next to me so I look up at them to see it's justin.

"Why do you have to sit next to me for?!" I moan putting my head on the desk again.

"Because this is the only table that has any seats left." Justin replied opening his book as well. "Look, I'll find somewhere else to sit if you want?"

"No. Whatever. Just don't talk to me like you said you would" I say giving up and carry on drawing.

There was a few minutes silents before I spoke up. "How the fuck did you do that?!" I ask I'm amazement.

"I thought you didn't wanna speak to me?" Justin says carrying on with his drawing and ignoring my question.

"Sorry, I was just asking a question. That's freaking amazing!" I compliment, still looking at the masterpiece.

Justin drew a landscape of the sea with horses galloping through the water. It's quite creative actually seeing as he hasn't copied it from a picture, only using his imagination.

"Thanks. I like yours too. It's different to everyone else's." He says looking towards my work.

I smile in reply and carry on drawing.

I'm jealous. Seriously, I am! His work is fucking amazing! It makes mine look like crap!

"So do you draw a lot at home or... What?" I ask watching him add detail into the horses faces. I can't get over how good it is.

"Nah, I like to sing a lot. I enjoy singing and I've been told I'm pretty good at it so it's kind of a confidence boost for me." He explains to me.

"Really? I didn't know you sing? Are you gonna sing in the talent show this year?" I ask picking up my pencil and begin to draw again.

"Yeah, I don't really tell anyone that I sing. I like to keep it quiet so if you could keep that between me and you, I'd really appreciate and be thankful for that." He said stopping what he's doing.

"I won't tell anyone. I promise." I smile, stopping doing what in doing. Justin smiles back at me and we latch eyes, looking at one another.

"Thanks. If you want I could sing for you tonight. That if you wanna come round mine or whatever." He suggests and I stare at him like he's stupid.

"Not being funny but yesterday you were beating the shit out of me for something I didn't even do! I can't trust you enough to be around you alone!" I respond, pulling my gaze away from his.

"Bring a friend then. Not that you'd need to though. I can swear on my mums life that I won't hurt you."

"And how do I know that you love your mum? You might really hate her."

"Please just give me your trust. I promise if I hurt you, I won't speak to you anymore. Fuck it, I'll even move schools for you!" Justin stated.

I know I'm stupid for doing this but I trust him.

"Okay but you've gotta pick me up." I say packing up my things, seeing as it's the end of the day.

"Why don't you just come home with me now? Would it be easier that way?" He asks doing the same thing I'm doing.

"I guess so"

"Well, c'mon then. Leggo!"

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