Not finished yet

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*justins pov*

Anna might think that im done with her, but im not. Im definfetly not. After what she told everyone. I dont think so. why would i sleep with her? I've never fucked anyone one, ever. Yup! That's right! I'm a virgin! Yes, people might say that they've slept with me before but they haven't. But nobody needs to know that.

"Hey, dude c'mon. Class is over. Let's go home." Norman said tapping me on my shoulder, dragging me out of my thoughts. I simply nodded my head and stood up from my seat then I grabbed my bag and walked out of class with Norman.

As we walked down the school corridors, everyone was gazing in our direction. Mostly from the girls.

Do you think I'm being a little bit harsh on Anna? I'm gonna be completely honest with you. I don't even know why I am like I am to her. She's never done anything physically wrong towards me. Everything she's said about me has been passed on through people until it has reached me. So I don't know for definite if she actually said it or if it's someone who's trying to get her into shit.

I do feel bad for her at times. I don't know why people ignore her all the time. It's like she's a ghost to them. The only time she's noticed by anyone is when she's been accused of something. Something she probably didn't even do!

Oh my fucking god! I'm a terrible person! She probably hasn't even said anything like people have been saying.

Again, I'm gonna be honest. She's as beautiful as fuck! I'm surprised that she hasn't got a boyfriend yet.

By now, me and Norman had already gotten into his car and had started to drive home.

"What are you thinking about?" Norman questioned with his eyes glued to the road. What do I say? I mean, wouldn't it be weird if I say that I'm thinking of Anna when a few hours ago I was beating the shit out of her in the school corridors?

"Nothing really, just..." I began to speak but I wasn't quite sure what to say. I wanted to admit that I was thinking about Anna but then again I didn't.

"Just... what?" Norman asked looking at me now and then, but still focusing on the road. Should I tell him?

The car fell silent for a few seconds before Norman spoke up again.

"You know, I think you were a bit mean on Anna today. You don't even know if she actually said what people says she has. She could have just woken up this morning, hoping for a normal day at school. But when she finally turns up for school, she gets slammed against a bunch of lockers for no goddamn reason!" Well... That escalated quickly! I was about to reply but Norman beat me to it, continuing on his little rant.

"Did you ever think of that, Justin? That maybe she never said any of this? That maybe people just want her to have a bad time and spread a shitty lie about the school just so she gets a punishment for it? A fucking killer beating?! I don't know about you Justin's but I'm done with this shit. I don't what to be the reason for someone else's pain. I'm out." And with that, the car had come to a stop and Norman motioned for me to get out. Luckily, he car had stopped outside of my house. As I got out of the car, Norman called my name so I turned back around.

"You need to sort yourself out, mate." Was all Norman said before he drove off down the street, leaving me thinking.

Should I go and apologise to Anna?

~Anna's pov~

'I'm home. I'm finally home!' Was all I thought the minute I stepped foot in the door to my house. Or my mums house should I say?

Im not aloud to call it my house. According to my mum, if I don't pay the bills, I don't own the house. And I guess that's kinda true.

... I want my own house!

Somewhere, where I can have a proper life. In the country side maybe? Fuck that! Anywhere really. I just don't wanna have bruises all over me all the time. I wanna feel free and be my own person. I don't want to take a beaten everyday. Im sick of people lying about me and speaking a load of bullshit!

Maybe I should save up and get a flat? Just a small one. And not tell anyone my address.

Yeah, that sounds like a great plan.

I have no clue on how to earn money to save up but I'm sure I'll figure it out later. I will open a bank account and stuff.

Straight away I walk upstairs to my bedroom.

After walking in, I slam the door shut while throwing my bag to one side and hobbled over to my small single bed.

Yes I still have a single bed... Even though I'm leaving high school in a couple if weeks. Oh and did I mention that my mum hates me?... I think I did. Will if I didn't already tell you, I have now.

You'd think the first thing I do is pull out my phone or something but the truth is, I don't have a phone. It anything like that for that matter.

You see all these kids, sometimes ten year olds, walking about with a brand new iPhone 6+ and then there's me with nothing. But I'm kinda use to it so, yeah!

I'll be fine!... Maybe....

I sit down slowly on my bed when that same shooting pain runs through my sides near my rib cage.


Fuck it! I'm going to sleep. Maybe that will help me forget about the pain.

Slowly, I lay down on my back and pull the covers over me. I know I didn't take my clothes off but I really couldn't give a fuck right now. I'm too lazy to move again!

Gradually, I fall into a peaceful sleep. That was until my mum came barging into my room a few hours later!

"Get up now you whore!" She commanded stomping over to me. I was still half asleep. I could barely open my eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked rubbing my eyes. In return I got a slap in the face. Well... That didn't feel good!

"Don't speak to me in that tone you little bitch!" She said as she dragged me out of bed by my hair.

I knew what was coming. This happens quite often. But that still doesn't mean that im use to it though.

I don't think I ever will be...

Bullied and loved (A Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now