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*Justin's pov*

"I'm a terrible person." I sob into my mums shoulder. How could I treat someone so cruelly? I had no reason to bully Anna. None whatsoever. "You raised me better than this. You raised me to be a gentleman, not an asshole." I stop myself for a moment thinking through these last couple of months. I feel my eyes gloss over which makes me automatically shut my eyes to stop myself from crying. "I'm so sorry mum. I really am." I croak.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to, sweetheart." My mum points out and I nod my head in agreement. "Anna is the one you need to apologise to."

"I don't know what to do." I sniffle.

"Go and talk to her." My mum suggests. I wish I could but I know she hates me.

"Can you come with me?" I beg with tears still in my eyes. I know she'll say no. I'm old enough to do things myself.

"Justin, you're a big boy now. You cant keep coming to me for help when you mess up." Another tear slides down my cheek as I sniffle. "But you're still my baby boy and when my baby needs me I'm still going to help him through."

"Thank you so much" I stand up and wrap my arms around my mums small frame.

Mum offers to drive me to Anna's and I accept grabbing my phone and wallet from my bedside table. We both get in the car and I give my mum the directions to Anna's house.

Anna doesn't know that I know where she lives. It sounds creepy but I like to keep an eye on her when she's walking home alone. Just to make sure nothing happens to her.

We pull up to her house and I knock on her door as mum stays in the car.

The door opens revealing a middle aged woman with short brown hair. He also had an extremely short black dress on which didn't cover anything up. "Hello, is Anna home?" I ask rubbing the back of my neck.

A smirk pulled on the woman's faces. "And who must you be?"

I don't even know what I am to her. "Im just an acquaintance. Could I talk to her, please?"

"She's not here. I haven't seen her at all today. She's probably trying to get into somebody's pants."

I shake my head. "No. Anna's not like that." I'm pretty sure this woman's trying to cause shit between us.

The woman smirks and shakes her head in disagreement. "I'm her mother so I'm pretty sure I know what she's like."

"If you were a proper mother you'd know that I've been sitting in my room for the past half hour." A small voice jumped in. The woman, who I'm assuming is Anna's mum, opens the door wide enough for me to see Anna gliding down the stairs. "What a great mother you are." Anna's voice was full with sarcasm which makes me chuckle to myself.

"Don't talk to me like that, Anna. I raised you better than that." Her mum snapped.

Anna scoffs in disagreement. "Bullshit. You're the shittiest parent I know." Anna's mum shrugs careless as Anna grabs her jacket from the hanger next to the door. "When you're ready to prove that you're a decent parent, give me a call, yeah?" And with that she slams the front door in her mums face and storms passed me clearly pissed off.

As I'm about to chase after her I hear a loud yell from inside her house followed by a crash. "FUCKING LITTLE BITCH!"

Well, that wasn't very nice.

"What are you doing here?" Anna bitterly questions walking round to the back of her house.

"I wanted to check on you to see if you were okay. I'm worried about you."

As expected, Anna just shrugged her shoulders. "It's never bothered you before. Maybe you should go back to not giving a shit and staying out of my business." Towards the end of her sentence, her voice cracks.

"Anna, look at me." I command still following behind her. "Anna, please." I beg after not getting any response.

We both come to a halt standing meters apart. Anna raises her hand up to her eyes as I hear a small sob come from her. I walk up to her to she has tears streaming down her face.

"Hey, look at me." I ask once more as I gently lift her head up.

As soon as Anna's eyes meet mine I had the sudden urge to wrap her up in a big hug. All I saw in her eyes was hope and hurt. I sighed instantly feeling horrible for all the pain and bruises I've caused her.

"I'm so sorry." I apologise. "I know sorry isn't enough but I truly am and I need you to understand that I actually hate myself because of everything I've done to you."

Out of nowhere, Anna steps forward and places her arms around me with her head on my shoulder. "Promise me."

"Huh?" I look down at her with a questioning look on my face.

"Promise me you'll never hurt me again." I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her closer towards me.

"I promise. I swear on my own life that I'll never hurt you again."

Okay. Small chapter I know but the next one will be longer. Btw, the reason why I haven't really been updating is because I've felt really shitty about myself lately and honestly i kinda give up with life.

Bullied and loved (A Justin Bieber love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora