Break down

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"So what's going on?" Justin questioned as we both walked into our 3rd lesson of the day. I promised Justin earlier that I'd tell him what's really wrong with me during our triple art lessons. And guess what... They're now beginning.

I really don't wanna tell him because we all know he'll probably just turn around and spread it across the whole fucking school!

I can't let that happen! I've got enough on my plate as it is.

"I, erm, I'm on my period. It's really heavy and I'm getting really bad cramps." I lied, walking over to my normal seat at the back of the classroom, pulling my book from my bag.

Justin just scoffed at my excuse. "Liar."

"I'm not lying! I really am on my period." I asserted, sitting down at the same time as justin. Wait... Why is he sitting next to me?! GOOOO AWAYYYYY!!!

"Yeah yeah, that might be true but that's not the reason why your acting weird is it? I'm not stupid, Anna."

"You sure about that?" I chuckled, jokingly. But Justin wasn't in any mood to mess around.

"Seriously, Anna? Just tell me." He demanded, turning around on his chair to face me fully.

"No" I huffed, turning around to face the front of the class. "I don't have to tell you anything."





"Oh c'mon! Pleeeease? You promised you'd tell me!" He begged holding is hands up is a begging motion.

Is the word 'no' really that hard to understand?

"I know" I muttered, regretting promising Justin that I'd tell him.

"Then why aren't you telling me?" He asked still looking at me.

"Because, I-I don't think that I can, like, trust you." I admitted, fiddling with my fingers on my lap.

After no response from justin, I raised my head to look at him to see the are-you-kidding-me look on his face.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"You're stupid, Anna."

"Excuse me?" I questioned in disbelief.

Rude little bitch!

"You seriously have to sort yourself out. One minute you're happy and playful, the next you're all moody and annoying. It kinda pissing me off."

I scoffed. "Im pissing you off?! Your pissing me off with all of your cockiness and bullshit!" By this point, everyone in the classroom was looking in our direction including the art teacher, mr Wilson. "Fuck this." I mutter, grabbing my belongings and storming out of the room.

I refuse to stay in the same room as that prick!

I was half way down the corridor when someone called me to come back. I turn around to see Mr Wilson walking towards me with a confused expression on his face.

"What was that all about?" He questioned, stopping in front of me and leaning against the wall.

"Sorry" I apologise, looking down, playing with the hem of my top.

He shook his head. "I wasn't asking for an apology. I was asking why you were arguing with justin."

"A lot has been happening lately and I guess I just finally burst." I explained, adjusting my bag on my shoulder.

Bullied and loved (A Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now