The truth

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"hungry?" Justin questioned holding up an apple. I shake my head no and chuckle.

"Why are you chuckling?" He asked sitting the apple on the bedside table. Clearly, he doesn't remember last time.

"I can't eat apples."

"Why? Are you allergic to them or something?" He asked confused.


"Then why?"

I smiled a big wide smile, showing my braces off.

"Ohhh, sorry I didn't notice." Justin apologised Sitting next to me on his bed. I just smiled in return.

Moments later, there was an awkward silents for a few minutes. That was till Justin's iPhone rang from his back pocket.

Justin stood up to pull his phone from his back pocket so he could look who the caller was. After seeing the callers name he held his phone up to his ear. "Hello?"

I couldn't make out anything the other person on the other line was saying so I just sat in silents waiting for Justin to finish his conversation.

"Sorry man. I completely forgot about that." Justin apologised to the other line. "Listen, I've gotta go. I'll talk to you later." Then he hung up.

I didn't want to be nosy so I didn't bother asking who was on the other line. I just sat silently like I always do.

"That was Norman by the way. We were gonna hang out after school today but now your here we can't do that." I instantly felt bad for ruining their plan. I think I should just go home.

"Sorry. I uh, I'm gonna go home now  so I can't ruin anything else." I said quietly before standing up and walking towards the door.

"Anna, wait! What are you talking about?" Justin quickly asked, grabbing my hand and turning me back around.

"I've already ruined your plans with Norman. I don't want to ruin anything else." I explained taking his hand off mine and walking out of his room.

I shut his bedroom door behind me and began to walk down the hall and toward the stairs when Justin's bedroom door reopened.

"Anna!" I turned around and came face to face with justin. "You didn't do anything wrong." Justin assured.

"I still want to go home." I mumbled looking down at my shoes.

"Let me drive you home." He begged holding my shoulders. I shook my head no.

"No." I denied. "I want to walk. I need some space to think about things."

"Then please promise me that you'll call as soon as you get home." He pleaded slightly squeezing my hands.

"I promise." I took my hands from Justin's and walked down the stairs. When I walked into the living room, I see that Justin's mum is awake and watching TV.

"Hi sweetheart!" She greeted with a smile. I smiled back "hello mrs bieber."

"Call me Pattie, sweetie. And by the way, my last name is Mallette. Me and Justin's father spilt when he was 10 months old." She explained.

"Sorry." I apologised beginning to play with the sleeve of my jumper.

"It's okay, sweetie. Don't worry." Pattie patted the seat next to her. "Come sit with me. I need to talk to you." I gulped.

Why can't I just go?!

Hesitantly, I made my way to the spot she patted and gently sat down. "Don't worry honey. I don't bite." She assured. I just smiled.

"You know, justin speaks about you quite a lot." I was completely shocked and surprised.


I probably had shock written all over my face because pattie's eyebrows raise slightly. "Why are you so surprised? Aren't you two really close?"

Should I tell her the truth?

"The truth is..." I paused. I'm really debating wether or not to tell her. "We've only known each other for a couple of days."

Pattie was confused. "But justin says that you've known each other since the start of high school."

"We have. It's just that we never were friends. We're actually the complete opposite." I admitted, still playing with the sleeves of my jumper. There was a short moment of silent before pattie spoke up.

"Sweetheart, I'm confused." Why has everything gotta be so difficult?!

"Justin doesn't like me." I blurted out truthfully. Pattie was still confused.

"But yesterday, justin told me that he wanted to take you out to dinner some time. I'm so confused at the minute!" Pattie huffed. She's not the only one!

"Anyway, why don't you think justin likes you?" Pattie questions me.

Maybe by the way he hurts me and tells me he hates me?!

"It's, uh- hard to ex-explain." I stammered suddenly becoming nervous. I should just shut my mouth from now on.

"Your hiding something." Pattie suddenly bursts out. "You can tell me anything, honey."

I can't.

"I know I can but I can't with this. I'm sorry" I said shaking my head no.

"Sweetie..." Pattie paused a second before continuing. "He hurts you doesn't he."

Wait but- how? What? How did she know?

I remained silent. I refuse to reply.

"Anna-" I softly began sobbing. Tears poured down my face, soaking my jumper. "Sweetheart, look at me." Pattie took my hands in hers, trying to make me look at her. "Please?"

I tried to wipe my tears away but they kept coming back. In the end I gave up and looked at Justin's mum.

"I hate him" I sobbed quietly. "I know he's your son and all but the amount of pain he's caused me is enough reason for me to hate him." Silence over took me and I began to cry harder. "I'm sorry pattie." I picked myself up of the sofa and wiped my tears. "Goodbye." And with that I walked out of patties house.

*patties pov*

I knock 3 times on Justin's door. "Justin?" I call. I knew something was wrong with Anna. Her face said it all. I need Justin to tell me why he does what he does to Anna.

"Yeah?" He answered back in a muffled tone.

"I need to talk to you."



I heard movement come from inside his room and then the door opens. Justin's face was full of panic and regret.


Its been forever since I last updated and I am SOOOOO sorry. I won't be surprised if no one even reads this chapter because it's pretty poop... FORGIVE ME I've been reading too many smut books and I got distracted for a few months :$ but hey, who doesn't? ;)

Bullied and loved (A Justin Bieber love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu