Sing to me

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"Nice car." I say as we approach Justin's car. It's a black range rover but I don't see how he can afford it.

"Thanks. It was my dads but he left one day and never came back. His car use to just sit in the drive away everyday so as soon as I was old enough to drive, I passed my driving test and took his car. It's not like he's gonna come back anyway. He doesn't want anything to do with me or my mum" Justin said helping me into to the car and then got in himself. He sat in the drivers seat in complete silents, like he was waiting for something.

Am I suppose to say something now or?...

"Sorry to hear about that." I said fiddling with the sleeve of my jumper. This is very awkward!

The rest of the car ride was silent. The only thing to be heard was the music coming from the radio as I stared out of the passengers window, watching all of the trees zoom pass us.

A few minutes later we pulled into a drive way, facing an average size house. Justin put the cars breaks on and turned the engine off.

"We're here" he smiled, stepping out of the car. I did the same thin and followed shortly behind him.

His house was nice. Not too big, or too small. Just the right size.

As Justin reached the front door, he swiftly turned back around and pointed his keys at the car we we're in previously and locked the door before continuing to walk. He opened the black door and walked in taking his shoes off.

After him realising that I'm still standing on the door step, he invites me in and nodding is head. I give a shy smile, taking small steps followed by shitting the door carefully.

Justin put is shoes on the bottom step of the stairs as I took my shoes off and put mine on the step above his.

"Mum I'm home!" Justin called gesturing for me to follow him as he walked down the hallway. Dawdling behind, we come to a biggish room with a huge TV and an L shaped sofa. Siting on the sofa was a middle aged woman who I'm guessing is his mum?

"Oh, justin, your home early. Aren't you suppose to be at Ryan's tonight studying for your exams next week?" She questioned turning the sound down on the TV.

Justin nodded. "yeah but he canceled last minute. He had to go to his grandmas or something." He explained picking up two apples that were in the fruit bowl on the coffee table and passing one to me. I smiled as a thank you and took the apple.

"Okay so who's this beautiful girl you have with you? Is she your girlfriend?" She asked raising and eyebrow. I could feel my cheeks heat up at the question.

"No no no, mum, she's just a really good friend." Justin replied biting into his apple.

Yeah, a really good friend who he likes to beat up!

"You've already met my girlfriend, mum. Remember?" Justin added.

Wait! He has a girlfriend?!

She nodded her head looking me up and down examining me. Wait... Why is she examining me?!

A smile appeared on her face. "Your very pretty by the way." she commented which made me blush.

"Thank you" I shyly replied pulling my sleeves down over my hands.

"Well, mum, me and Anna are going to go upstairs and study." Justin lied, pulling my arm and heading towards the stairs.

"You know the drill, justin. Keep your door open." His mum called.

"Yeah yeah, okay." He mumbled pulling me up the stairs and into a room. The room had posters all over the walls and even the ceiling. Mostly of the Toronto maple leafs hockey stuff and R'n'B singers.

"Your mums nice" I commented with a smile placing the apple on his bedside cabinet. I don't think Justin knows but I can't really eat apples. I have braces.

"Yeah she's everything I have." He smiled sitting on his bed.

"What about your girlfriend?" I asked walking over to his bed to sit down.

"I don't have a girlfriend. Well, I did but we didn't last long. Only a few days. She was a bitch anyway." He stated with a small chuckle.

"Well why did you tell your mum that you still have one?" I questioned a little confused.

"Because my mum really liked her." He simply replys. I just nodded in reply.

Justin then reaches under his bed and pulls out a laptop and opens it up. He then clicks on the google icon and types in YouTube. Seconds later, a voice comes through the speaker.

"Who's that?" I questioned pointing at the singing little boy on the screen.

A grin makes it's way onto Justin's face. "Me"

"That's you?" I ask staring at the little boys face. "Impossible! He's too cute for it to be you."

"Hey! I'm cute!" He defends as I just giggle.

"Yeah but I bet you can't sing as good as that anymore." I say nodding towards the laptop.

Seconds later, the room fills with his angelic voice, singing a song I've never heard before. Shocked, I stare at Justin in amazement. Well damn!

"They try to get at me, Behind your back. Try'na tell me that I'm just like the others but I ain't all bad."

Honestly, I didn't know he would be able to sing that well. I mean, I thought he would be okay but not this good! It seems like his amazing at everything he does.

"Are you an alien?" I question, jokingly.

"Totally!" He chuckles "of corse I'm not!" I'm kind of surprised he's not one.

"Why are you so good at everything? Literally everything you attempt your amazing at!"

"Have you seen me try to roller-skate?" He asks and i shake my head no.

"Let me guess. Your amazing at that too." I ask.

"No I'm terrible at it!" He laughs putting his laptop away.


Yeah this chapter is kinda sucky. Sorry for any spelling mistakes and stuff. I'll try And update soon :)

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