D1- Part Four💙

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We were in Remedial Goodness 101, and it has turned out to be the most boring lesson I have ever sat through.

'If someone hands you a crying baby, do you: A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?'

I held up my hand.


'What was the second one?' I asked.

'Anyone else?' asked Godmother, looking faintly disappointed. 'Mal?'

'C.' answered Mal, without looking up from her drawing of the wand. 'Give it a bottle.'

'Correct.' Godmother said, looking pleased. 'Again.'

Carlos looked impressed. 'You are on fire, girl!'

Mal shrugged. 'Just pick the one that  doesn't sound like any fun.'

'That makes so much sense.' I muttered.

A girl entered the room. Hmm... her dress could use some fixing up.

'Oh, hello, dear one.' Godmother told her. 'You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation. Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?'

Jane looked horrified at being introduced to VKs. 'Mom, no!' she whisper-shouted.

'It's okay.' Godmother reassured her. 'Jane, this is everyone.'

'Hi.' she said nervously. 'That's okay, don't mind me. As you were.' she stammered and ran out of the room.

Godmother cleared her throat. 'Let's continue-'

There was a BLAM! sound from behind us. We turned. Nick was sitting behind me. From the looks of it, he had dumped his bag on the floor.

'Nicholas, dear, what are you doing here?' asked Godmother kindly.

'Mr. Delay put me in detention for "talking back".' Nick looked extremely annoyed. He crossed his arms across his chest and put his feet on a nearby table. Ooh... bad boy.

'Oh.' Godmother sighed. 'Well, let's continue. You find a vial of poison. Do you: A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple?' I caught Mal's eye and laughed. 'Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?'

Carlos looked excited. He probably knew the answer.

'Oh!' he exclaimed, his hand shooting upwards. But, unluckily for him, Jay spotted him and wrestled his arm down. 'Ow! Get off me!'

'Jay.' said Godmother.

'C.' said Jay proudly. 'You turn it over to the proper authorities.'

'D.' muttered Nick from behind me. 'Shove it down Mr. Delay's throat.'

Mal and I laughed. Godmother probably didn't hear us since Jay and Carlos were now engaged in mortal combat. Okay, I was exaggerating. Jay merely had Carlos in a headlock.

'Who said it first, huh?' Jay taunted Carlos. 'Who? Say it!'

'Ouch! Ow! Get- GET OFF ME JAY!!' Carlos shouted, struggling to break free.

'Boys.' Godmother said sharply. 'Boys! I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field.'

Carlos looked terrified.

'Oh, no.' he whimpered. 'That's okay. Whatever that is, W-we'll pass.'

'Speak for yourself.' said Jay, standing up.

The bell rang outside.

'Don't forget your homework in Goodness class!' Godmother reminded us. 'Write 10 good deeds you've done today! And that means you too, Nicholas!'

'Yes, Godmother.' Nick chanted dully, picking up his things which lay clattered on the floor.

Mal and I sat at the bleachers to watch Jay and Carlos play that tourney thing.

'Jay, Ben, offense.' said the coach. 'Chad, you're defense. Nick, you're the shooter.'

''K, coach.' Nick ran off to the gun-looking thing.

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