D1- Part Thirteen 🖤

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As Mal walked away to fetch her friends, my parents turned to me while Ben's back was turned.

'Please, Nicholas,' said my mother desperately. 'please tell me you chose someone better as your girlfriend.'

'Of course, mom.' I grinned cheerfully.

'Oh, thank goodness.' she sighed in relief.

'Well, why don't you introduce her to us?' asked my dad.

'Oh, she's already coming.' I waved at the approaching group. 'Hey, kitten!'

'Nicholas!' Evie smiled at me. 'Hi!'

'Oh no.' groaned my father. 'No no no no no no no...'

'You said you chose someone better!' my mom hissed.

'But I did!' I said proudly. 'She's the best.'

My dad fidgeted with his cuffs. 'Uh... how about a game of... croquet before lunch?' he suggested.

'Not croquet, I'm terrible at croquet.' I whined.

'Oh, come on now, Florence, it'll be fun!!' said Ben, smirking. I know he's probably reminiscing the time when he and I played thirty-four rounds of croquet and I didn't win a single time. Ugh. Curse him.

'Have you played before?' I asked my beautiful girlfriend.

'No.' she replied.

'Oh, really?' I asked, relieved. 'Well, the two of us could just watch from the sidelines.' I told her.

'Well, hello there.' I heard Queen Leah say to Mal.

'Hi.' replied Mal.

'Nonna.' I said as I approached her.

'Oh, Nicholas! How nice to see you again.'

I bowed and kissed her knuckles. 'It's a pleasure seeing you again, Nonna.'

'I was just talking to this charming young lady.' she told me, gesturing to Mal. She took a good look at her. 'Now, have we met?'

'No, I don't think so. I'm new here.' Mal answered. 'I'm sort of like a... transfer student.'

'Oh, I see.'

'Grammy!!' Audrey's voice rang through the entire venue.

'Not Audrey...' I groaned quietly.

'Oh, Audrey!!' exclaimed Nonna happily. 'Come here and give Grammy a kiss, dear.'

Mal's eyes widened. '"Grammy"?'

'Sleeping Beauty's mother.' answered Audrey. 'Grammy, I don't think you want to be talking to this girl. Unless you feel like taking another hundred-year nap.'

'Oh, but what do you mean, dear?' Then, in realization, Queen Leah gasped. 'YOU!! How - but how are you here? And how have you stayed so young?'

Thankfully, Ben decided to abandon his game of croquet and intervened. 'Queen Leah, It's okay. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter, Mal. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?'

'A chance to what, Ben?' challenged Queen Leah angrily. 'Destroy us? Come on. Don't you remember? The poison apples. The spells. The spells. My daughter... was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse.' she pointed an accusing finger at Mal. 'So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all!!!' she yelled. 'You mustn't trust her.'

Mal tried to apologize for her mother's actions. 'I am so, so-'

'Go away!' shouted Chad. 'Stay away from her!!'

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