D1- Part Six🖤

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I was just sitting under a tree writing down 10 good deeds for my Remedial Goodness Class 101 homework before the big game.

'Let's say I... er... helped a squirrel with a broken wing? Oh, what the-' I crumpled up the parchment. 'Squirrels don't have wings.' I slapped a book hard on my forehead.

'Hi, um... Prince Nicholas?'

'Hm?' I replied, not looking up from the parchment and taking a gulp from the bottle of water beside me.

'Um... Prince Nicholas?' persisted the person, waving a hand in front of my face.

'Hm?' I said again, scratching out "I helped an old lady go to the bathroom" from the list and taking another gulp of water.

'Um... it's Evie, and-'

I choked on the water and looked up, gasping and watery-eyed.

'Oh, are you okay?' asked Evie, concerned.

'Y-yeah, I'm fine.' I coughed.

'I-it's just... um... my friends and I baked a batch of cookies.' she stammered. 'I was just wondering if you'd like one.' She showed me a cookie in a ziplock bag.

'I'd like that.' I smiled at her. 'Thanks.' I took the cookie from her and took a bite from it. The chocolate melted deliciously on my tongue, making me groan in satisfaction. 'Mm...'

Then I felt weird all over, as if Evie was the only person in Auradon... As if we were meant to be...

'How do you feel?' she asked me.

I smiled lazily at her. 'Never been better. Hey, do you have a map?'

She gave me a questioning look.

I grinned wider. ''Cause I'm getting lost in your eyes.'

She laughed. 'Nicholas, the game?'

At least, that's what I thought she said. I was too busy counting her lashes to focus on anything else.

'Um... Nicholas? Prince Nicholas?' Evie waved her hand in my face.


'The game?'


'The game!!'

I slapped a hand to my forehead. 'Oh, right!! Yeah, see you later, kitten!!'

I arrived at the field just in time.

'Where were you?' scolded Ben. 'You're late.'

'I was with The Fairest of Them All.' I replied with a dumb smile plastered on my face.

'Hey, did I mention how beautiful Mal is?' he whispered to me.

'No, but did I mention how dazzling Evie's eyes are?'

'Hey, are you thinking what I'm thinking, Florence?'

'I think I am, Florian.'

We grinned mischievously at each other before putting on our helmets and getting onto the field.

'Give me an "M"!' Ben shouted.

'M!' the crowd chanted.

'Give me an "A"!'


'Give me an "L"!'


'What does that spell?!'


I saw Audrey run away, crying.

I grabbed the mic from him. 'Give me an "E"!'


'Give me a "V"!'


'Give me an "I"!'


'Give me another "E"!'


'What does that spell?'


'I love you Evie!!' I yelled into the mic. 'Did I mention that?!'

Ben grabbed the mic. 'I love you Mal!!'

Yeah, we're dorks. We live in a musical world. We sing at the top of our lungs whenever we feel like it.

Anyway, we finished our song with Ben swimming on the people and me running up the bleachers.

'Evie, will you be my date to the coronation?!'


I grinned triumphantly. 'You're mine, Grimhilde.' I murmured into her ear.

Just then, Audrey came running. 'Chad's my boyfriend now!' she declared. 'So I don't need your pity date.' Then she kissed Chad full on the mouth.

I had to look away.

'Mal, will you go to the coronation with me?!' Ben yelled.


I saw Evie look at Chad with sad eyes.

'Look at me, kitten.' I said softly. 'It's okay. You don't need him. He's too much of a dolt to see how great you are.'

She let out a weak laugh. 'I guess I am pretty talented.'

'That has to be the understatement of the year.' I smiled at her. 'Anyways, you've got me now. And... did I mention I'm in love with you?'

She rolled her eyes playfully.

'Hey! Nick! The team's waiting for you to celebrate!' Carlos shouted.

I gave him a thumbs up.

I kissed Evie briefly on the forehead before running down the bleachers to have pizza with the team.

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