D1- Part Eight🖤

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Doug and I were icing my bruises when a paper with a B+ appeared in front of my face.

'For the first time, it's like I'm more than just a pretty face.' Evie's voice said.

'Shocker, huh?' asked Doug playfully.

I swiveled around on my chair to face Evie. 'You were always more than a pretty face, Evelyn, you just needed someone to clear it up for you.'

'Yeah, someone like me.' said Doug.

'No way, Diggity Dog.' I said, crossing my arms.

'You were pretty great in there.' said Evie, laughing at my totally un-childish behavior.

'So were you.' I replied smoothly.

'Me too.' Doug interjected.

Evie ignored him. 'I bet I can get an A+ on the next test without the mirror.'

'I bet you could.' I grinned at her.

'Yeah,' said Doug. 'maybe we could get together, and hang out-'

'Yeah,' Evie replied, nodding enthusiastically. 'let's get together sometime. Nicholas, what do you think?'

'I think I'm gonna die of boredom if you two invite me to discuss chemical compounds.' I shrugged. 'I'm terrible at chemistry.'

'I was too until you taught me.' said Evie.

'Doug taught you.' I corrected her. 'I only taught you how to shade the circles properly.'

'Well,' Evie said, trying to contain her laughter. 'that helped quite a lot when you stop and think about it.'

'There you are!' Mal came out of nowhere, running towards Evie. 'I've been looking for you literally everywhere!!'

'What's wrong?' Evie asked, a look of worry etched in her elegant features.

Mal looked as though she was struggling to spit out her answer. 'Ben just asked me out, on...' she looked as though she was trying to stop herself from puking. 'well, he just asked me out on a date.' she said the last word with disgust and contempt... and something else, but I couldn't figure what.

'Nice.' said Doug approvingly.

'We can handle this.' said Evie, immediately turning into a makeover expert. 'Bye.'

'Wait.' I said, standing up and grabbing her wrist.

'Hm?' she asked.

'Will you- would you- do you want to go on a date with me?' I stammered, feeling really hot in the face. I actually looked up to see if the sun was suddenly closer to Earth or something, but the sun was still obscured by some particularly fluffy clouds.

Evie looked surprised.

'Well, i-if you don't want to, I'll best be off, then.' I said, turning to go, face flushed with embarrassment.

'Wait.' she said, grabbing my bicep.

I turned to look at her. 'Look, Evelyn, I'm sorry if I creeped you out or something, okay? I just wanted to-'



'Yes, I'd love to go on a date with you.'

I blinked hard and fast. 'You- you want to?'

She nodded.

'W-well, it's settled then.' I said, trying to cover up my blushing face. 'I'll pick you up at your dorm later.'

'Okay.' she agreed, then marched off with Mal.

I watched as they disappeared into the distance.

I turned to see a disappointed-looking Doug. 'What?' I asked.

'Well, congratulations.' he said, looking as though he'd do anything to be in my place. 'You got the girl.'

'I did.' I said smugly.

He sighed. 'If only I was as handsome as you.'

'Pssh.' I said sassily. 'You could never.'

He just hung his head low over his chemistry booklet which was emblazoned with a big fat A+.

'Hey, Doug, don't worry, alright? There are hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of girls out there. Don't just settle on one girl and forget to live if she doesn't like you back, okay?'

'What makes you think she doesn't like me, huh?' he challenged. 'For all I know, she might be using you to make me jealous.'

'She wouldn't do that.' I said, waving a hand dismissively.

'Oh,' said Doug, smirking a bit. 'girls' brains work in mysterious ways, Nick. They're unpredictable.'

I laughed. 'But seriously, Doggy Dude, I don't like seeing you like this, alright?'

'I wish you'd stop calling me that.' he pouted.

'Okay.' I shrugged. 'How about Doggie-Dig-A-Hole?'

'You wouldn't dare call me that.'

'And what'd you do about it?' I challenged him. 'Slap me with your chemistry booklet?'

'No, I'll make you drink H2SO4.'

I blinked. 'Pardon?'

'Sulfuric acid.'

I furrowed my brow. 'No, H2SO4 means water.'

'That's H2O!!' he said exasperatedly. 'Sulfuric acid kills a person if they drink it!!'

'Oh...' I nodded slowly. 'Honestly, what use is this knowledge in the future? It's not like a man with a gun will point it at you and be like, "What's the chemical formula for sulfuric acid? Answer, or I'll shoot you!". I mean, what's the point?'

He shook his head. 'You're a prince. That's why it seems worthless to you. And it's really great to me since it's my leisure pursuit.'

'Your what now?'

'My... avocation?'

'Your vacation?'

'My divertissement?'

'Your diver- what now?'


'For what and what's sake?'

He face-palmed.

I would have face-palmed too if I were in his place.

Laughing, I ran to my dorm.

Now to figure out what to wear.

Rotten to the CoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora