D1- Part Fourteen 🖤

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I woke up lying on the grass.

What the heck happened?! How did I get here?!

Ugh... my head is killing me!!

I got up and cleaned myself as much as I could. Then I crept to my dorm.

Then I remembered that I wasn't talking to Doug anymore. So I changed course and headed to Evie's dorm.

I knocked softly and the door opened.

'What do you want?' snapped Mal, irritated.

'Can I see Evie?' I asked her.

'Yo!! E!!!'

Evie arrived at the door. 'Yes? Oh - Nicholas... What are you doing here-?'

'There,' said Mal. 'you've seen her, now shoo.'

'Evelyn, can I borrow any clothes, or-' then I realized how dumb I was to ask a GIRL for clothes to borrow. '-um... never mind.' I chuckled awkwardly, turning to leave.

'Clothes?' asked Evie.

'Uh... no! I was just about to leave, so-'

'No, wait! I've got some clothes of Carlos and Jay's around here.' she told me, leading me into their room, much to Mal's displeasure. 'I made those clothes for them but they weren't interested in wearing them. I guess you could choose the clothes you want. They're all yours.'

I nodded, smiling gratefully.

She looked at me expectantly.

'Um... are you going to turn around or...'

'Oh, right!' she blushed, embarrassed. 'Sorry.'

I chuckled. 'Cute.'

After I got changed, I posed in front of Evie. 'How do I look?' I asked playfully.

She scrutinized me. 'You look...'

'Say it.' I told her, stepping closer.

'...not bad.'

I faked excitement, jumping around like a 4-year-old and ruining the moment, smirking in my mind. 'Oh my gosh, the Evelyn Grimhilde just told me I'm not totally hideous!!!'

'Not even close.' said Evie softly.

I smiled gently, cupping her face. 'Evelyn, I-'

'Okay!!' interrupted Mal. 'You're dressed and ready to go, now, shoo, SHOO!!'

She shooed me out of the door with just enough time for me to give Evie a flying kiss. She pretended to catch it and save it for later.

Hmm... she better use it soon, my kisses are very valuable.

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It's the day of Ben's coronation.

I sat in the - well, the floaty carriage thingy... with Evie. (I didn't listen when my dad was talking about how the coronation would go... so here we are.)

'Oh, um... Nicholas?' Evie looked nervous and slightly unsettled.


'I got you something to - to keep your energy levels up.' she showed me a blue box tied with a red ribbon. 'You know, some carbs, I learned about it in... um... biochemistry or something.'

I nodded, smiling. 'You're always so thoughtful.' I looked at the box. 'What is it by the way?'

'Oh, a - a brownie.'

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