A painting in the Historical Society

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It was a regular school day for college kid George, with one difference today was an excursion.

George had woken up late that morning and was rushing barely making it to campus on time. Last minute reminders of rules, a headcount then George and his college group were off to see the historical society.

When they arrived at the society building they were told to look around as they please, but just as George and his group were about to enter another coach arrived with a different college group, but it bothered no one that more people were there.

As they were looking around, a short tingly bell rang and someone said that the bell signals a break and chat.

On the way down George spotted a nice painting, it looked familiar, so he wrote down the paintings name and caught up with the group.

Once they got to the main room they were told to first wash their hands, then go to the dining hall for a quick snack before some quick questions about items people saw in the building, during their look around.

After washing his hands George proceeded to the dining hall, to wait for everyone else. Once everyone arrived they were granted a choice - either get out some of your own food or eat some that they brought with them. George chose to each some of the provided food then the other college finally came in.

The painting on the second floor (DNF)Where stories live. Discover now