Time Travel?!

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George looked at Sapnap in surprised "Time-Travel?! How can it be time travel?!" Dream responded to his question "George, this is from the future, 2031, in 10 years then there is still the entire life time of the person so it could be time travelled from like 2090 even!" George considered this and after it being repeated 17 times he finally agreed it was a reasonable explanation.

George couldn't help thinking about if it was his adopted child, additionally considering that he was the only person called George in a 100km radius over the next few meetings, but he had a college project to focus on for a while so that took his mind of it.

A couple weeks after the discovery of the writing on the back of the painting, George found himself falling for Dream and how lucky him Sapnap figured it out but what George and Dream hadn't caught on to (but of course Sapnap had) was simply that they were both falling for each other, they just didn't know about each other's feelings yet.

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