College Rivalry

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As it turned out nearly everyone had a question, which made it hard to get picked, but as it turned out a boy from the other college had seen the painting too, the boy asked 'what is the painting on the 2nd floor hallway of and why is it's name covered or, well, not properly visible?' and all any member of the society could say was "the artist didn't say"

At the end of the questions it was the members turn one person from the historical society said this "does anyone want to plausibly join the society?" The boy who asked about the painting first raised his and his friends' hands so George raised his hand too but his hand only. The members told them about when meetings happen and the like.

Couple days after

George researched the other college that was there on the day. He found that his college and their college didn't have the best of school-school relationship. But he still attended his first meeting for the society, during that meeting he learnt that the boy went by 'dream' and his friends went by 'techno' 'sapnap' 'tubbo' 'wilbur' 'drista' 'tommyinnit' and others. George was confused by the names but went along with it anyway and came up with his own one being: GeorgeNotFound.

The painting on the second floor (DNF)Where stories live. Discover now