The Reasoning Behind The Mask

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(Small backstory, slight A.U.)
In High school Dream was given dirty looks towards his appearance. He only wears the mask because it may happen again, now in college.

(Continuing the story)
"George" said Clay (for those who haven't caught on dream is clay) "Yeah" replied George without hesitation, "Do you... um... love me? Cause wait," stopping George from interrupting him as it looked a lot like George would "Sapnap is I think hinting to the both of us that we are are like soulmates or something close to that" But George was shocked how had Sapnap figured out that he liked Dream?! And so George slowly and very slightly nodded but then said "look I do think now that the person that painted the painting on the second floor is our future child but can we keep all this quiet from the others?" Clay thought for a moment and said "Ok if you want but only until we are near 100% sure it's us" George nodded so Clay mumbled "can I trust you?" George looked confused but still nodded again and so Clay took off the mask for a minute revealing his green eyes and dirty blond hair then put his mask back on, George saw Clay's face then buried his face in his hands a bit to cover his blushing then giving Clay a hug and then George said this "Your beautiful Dream" then George moved the mask a bit to reveal some of Clay's cheek gave him a small discrete kiss and then said "Meet you out there?" putting the mask back and walked back to the play place...

The painting on the second floor (DNF)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz