6 Months Later

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The entire group (now going by Dream Team) was in on the research. Dream had one thought on his mind I have to tell someone at the least George, all research will be useless if I don't tell him, as he is CLEARLY involved in this, so Dream asked George to talk to him privately for a minute or two. Dream and George walked a bit into the bush and George surprisingly talked first "Hey, are you okay, ever since we found out about the writing you have been acting weird?" So Dream in slight surprise that George said the first thing but responded "George... (A Pause) my real name is Clay, although please still call me dream when given choice" George was shook by this news, but that could mean... He started to think over then said to Dream "Is there a specific reason you didn't tell me? I mean I dont know another Clay and I am the only person called George in a 1000 mile radius" After a minute Dream said "Partially the same reason I don't show my face." George got slightly confused but nodded.

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