||Chapter 3||

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                                                                          ||Welcome to Chapter 3||

                                                             ||Hope you all enjoy the drama <3-!||

3rd Person POV

- Everyone was waiting for their food while chatting, they were talking about how interesting the amusement park was. Little did they know trouble was gonna come beyond their knowing. -

???: Perfect this should go as plan if someone doesnt disturb my plan

- ??? was planning something cruel and evil to crush Mikey and Mikey's loved ones, He used to admire Mikey but that admire soon turn to hate and wanting to be number 1 in Japan -

???: Did you put it in?

Chef: Y-yes i put it in in this drink

???: Good now give it to the black hair guy and the rest of the food to table#3

Chef: O-okay..but sir can i know your name now?

???: Right we promise that if you put that in ill tell you my name.

Chef: Y-yes..

???: Its ______ _____

Chef: I see..

???: Now go and give it to table#3

Chef: H-Hai!

- Then the chef gave the food and the "drink" to the table where Baji & Chifuyu's group were sitting at. He gave all the food first than the "drink" last. Chifuyu suddenly felt something wasnt right and he thought that the chef was acting weird, the way he gave Baji his drink he looked like he was nervous or perhaps scared? When the chef left the table before Baji got the chance to drink his drink Chifuyu immediately took it -

Baji: Oi, Chifuyu thats mine!

Chifuyu: I just want to take a sip Baji-san.

Baji: Fine, you can have that

Chifuyu: Ill order you a new one hehe

- Chifuyu ordered a new one for Baji and brought it to him -

Chifuyu: Here Baji-san

Baji: Thanks Chifuyu

- A certain someone was watching from afar, this certain someone sure was mad that someone ruined his plan but maybe the plan wasnt ruined at all -

??? POV: Shit, why did that blonde one took it, now my plan is ruined!Or maybe...its not ruined after all! if that blonde guy, Chifuyu Matsuno vice caotain 1st Division dies i can take that place. (smirking)

- A few minutes later some of the gorup was already finish eating while others were still eating, but there was something weird about Chifuyu he wasnt drinking anymore of his drink and he only ate half of his food. Baji didnt realize yet, Chifuyu felt sick he feels like hes gonna faint. He needed an excuse to go somewhere silent so he could calm his self down so he pretended that he had a call so he can go outside -

Chifuyu: I..I have a call ill pick this up outside ill be right back.

Baji: hm? Oh Okay

- Chifuyu rushed himself outside and went to a corner of the restaurant where no one can see him. Chifuyu sat down and tried to calm himself down by taking deep breaths but it wasnt working he feels like he was about to faint something near his chest hurted. -

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