||Chapter 11||

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                                                         ➳ I Hope You Enjoy This Chapter! <3

3rd Person POV

- Baji and Chifuyu we're on their way to the beach, They already saw the beautiful view of the sea from a far. The night was a beautiful night, The stars were shining. The road was pretty much empty and only a few cars were passing by. -

Chifuyu: The view is beautiful as always

- Chifuyu complimented the beautiful view while having his arms around Baji's waist. -

Baji: Mhm, We'll be there soon Fuyu. So hang out tight i am going fast!

Chifuyu: Alright!

- Baji started to go faster with the bike, Chifuyu hold on to him tightly. -

Baji: Pfft- are scared to fall of Fuyu?

Chifuyu: Baji-san if your the one driving then yes kinda

Baji: Eh? Why?? You know i wont ever let you fall!

Chifuyu: I know i know Baji-san but still

Baji: FIne then

- Baji went faster and that startled Chifuyu. -

Chifuyu: Baji-san! Don't go to fast!

Baji: Just hang on tight Chifuyu!

- Chifuyu hang on real tight on Baji, Baji was chuckling on how much of a scary cat Chifuyu is. Not long after that they both arrived at the beach, Baji search for a parking spot. Chifuyu got of first to find a place to sit. Baji then came to the spot Chifuyu picked out. -

Chifuyu: I am ever doing that with you ever again Baji-san

Baji: Come on Chifuyu i was just messing around!

Chifuyu: Sure you are~

Baji: I am serious Fuyu!

- Chifuyu rolled his eyes -

Baji: You know ill never let you go right?~

- Baji suddenly got closer to Chifuyu, It made Chifuyu startled and back away a little. -

Chifuyu: ..I know..

Baji: Why are you backing away Fuyu?

Chifuyu: No, Its nothing..

Baji: Then come closer

- Chifuyu hesitated a bit but he got closer, If he didn't Baji would just keep begging and teasing him. -

Baji: That's more like it

Chifuyu: ...

Baji: You can do the usual if you want Fuyu

Chifuyu: Really?

Baji: Yeah

- Hesitating Chifuyu slowly lean to Baji's shoulder and put his hands in front of him. -

Baji: Something on your mind Chifuyu?

Chifuyu: The heck can you read minds now Baji-san?

Baji: No but i can read your face Chifuyu

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