||Chapter 7||

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                                                                       ❴Welcome To Chapter 7!❵

                                                           ➥I hope you enjoy this chapter <3!

3rd Person POV

- The past few days Chifuyu made a quick recovery, everyone was happy to see him having a quick recovery. Chifuyu was gonna get out of the hospital tomorrow, he was happy to be able to go out of the hospital after being stuck there for at least 2 weeks. -

Chifuyu: I finally get to be released tomorrow!

Baji: Damn your happy Fuyu

Chifuyu: The fuck? of course i am happy I've been stuck here for almost 2 weeks

Baji: Yeah yeah but don't go cursing at me, shitfuyu

Chifuyu: Same goes to you Baji-san

Baji: I don't take orders form you Fuyu

Chifuyu: Are you sure about that Baji-san?

Baji: Yeah, Now stop talking and eat the food i bought you

Chifuyu: Hai hai

Baji: You can walk right?

Chifuyu: Baji-san is that even a question? of course i can

Baji: i mean walk for like a long period of time

Chifuyu: Oh, If its for a long period of time i am not sure i haven't tried it ever since the night we went to the hospital garden

Baji: Wanna go to the garden again then?

Chifuyu: I can?

Baji: We need to at least try you know? If we don't then you'll need to drink the medicine that the doctor gave you Fuyu

Chifuyu: Fine but i am sure ill be fine without it

Baji: Sure, Finish your food first then We'll go

Chifuyu: Hai Baji-san

- A few minutes later Chifuyu was done eating, Baji and him walk to the hospital garden to get some fresh air and to see if Chifuyu's body is already 100% recovered. -

Chifuyu: I feel like i haven't seen the sky in a long time

Baji: Didn't you just see it like 2 days ago ?

Chifuyu: I mean daylight sky not night sky dumbass

Baji: Chifuyu, don't call me a dumbass ever again

Chifuyu: Baji-san i know your amazing and all but when it comes to school your actually a dumbass

Baji: Hah!? What did you just say??

Chifuyu: Your a dumbass

- Chifuyu made a joking face to Baji, Of course Baji got pissed off. -

Baji: Chifuyu Teme!

Chifuyu: Hahaha! Catch me if you can Baji-san!

- Chifuyu started to run and Baji ran after him. Both of them were having plenty of fun, with out Chifuyu realizing he started to get tired. Suddenly Chifuyu tripped him self, Luckily Baji caught him. -

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