||Chapter 9||

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                                                                   【Welcome To Chapter 9!
                                                               ↳I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

3rd Person POV

- It was Saturday, Chifuyu was in his apartment still sleeping. Usually he would be awake by now, Chifuyu is not the type to oversleep unless he was very tired or sick but that wasn't the case this time. Yesterday night he couldn't sleep at all because of what happen with Baji, He kept thinking about it and ended up sleeping at 4 AM in the morning. Its currently 9 AM in the morning, suddenly he got a call. It was from Baji. -

Chifuyu: Ugh, Who the fuck is calling me at this morning of a new day

- Chifuyu picked up his phone and answered the call without even looking who it was. -

Chifuyu: Hello? Who is it? What do you want?

Baji: Chifuyu? Why so harsh?

Chifuyu: What do you mean? Do you know what time it is??

Baji: Its 9:10?

- Then Chifuyu came to his senses -

Chifuyu: Wait what!?

- Chifuyu checked his time and who's calling him. -

Chifuyu: Its 9:10 already!? Ah! Baji-san, Gomenasai i didn't know it was you

Baji: Its fine Fuyu but you should hurry and come here

Chifuyu: Huh? what do you mean Baji-san?

Baji: Chifuyu..Did you actually forget?

Chifuyu: ...

- Chifuyu had to think for a second until he realize. -


Baji: Exactly, You should hurry here Chifuyu

Chifuyu: Agh, Gomen Baji-san ill go there immediately

- Chifuyu hung up and took a quick shower, Changed, Feed Peke J, Made his bed, And took a bread to go. He was in a hurry his hair was still a little messy and he almost forgot to eat his pills. -

Chifuyu: Shoot, i pills need to eat them

- Chifuyu ate his pills and went out of his apartment, Lock it and got on his bike and went to the shrine. -

Chifuyu POV: Fuck fuck fuck, I end up forgetting about the meeting and overslept because of yesterday!

- Soon later Chifuyu arrived at the shrine and parked his bike, He saw Baji waiting for him while the others are inside. -

Baji: Chifuyu!

Chifuyu: Gomen for being late Baji-san!

- Chifuyu was trying to get his breath together while bowing to Baji for being late. -

Baji: Calm down Chifuyu Its alright

Chifuyu: Gomen for not being responsible Baji-san

Baji: Stop apologizing Chifuyu, I said it's okay

Chifuyu: ..Alright Baji-san

- There was silence for a few seconds. -

Baji: Your hair is still messy Chifuyu

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