||Chapter 5||

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                                                                         ||Welcome To Chapter 5!||

       ||Thank you for all the love everyone has give me <3  I Hope you all enjoy this chapter!||

Chifuyu POV

- As i was outside trying to calm my self down i suddenly heard the restaurant door open, then suddenly someone was in front of me. It was Baji-san..? i felt quite relieved when he was there, i was about to past out i couldn't see anymore it was to blurry i feel into someones chest. I guess its Baji-san's? I saw the other coming out not much later, at that time i already lost conscious. Everything was dark, did i die? i am not afraid of death but if i am dying because of whatever was inside that drink that was a pathetic death. Apparently i was dreaming? If i am not hallucinating i am at Baji-san's birthday party?. W-why is Baji-san on the floor..u-unconscious. I-is this in the future!? It cant be that's not possible. Then everything turn black ones again, ever since that weird and horrific dream i cant stop thinking about it. -

- Time skip to a week later -

- In my dreams Baji-san has been taking care of me? i think i'm in a hospital. The next day to be precise its the 8th day since I've actually opened my eyes to the real world, but in that morning when i heard Baji-san, Mikey-kun, and Draken-kun was outside the door about to open it i suddenly woke up. -

3rd Person POV

- Baji and the other two was shock, they saw Chifuyu that was finally awake tried to position himself to a sitting position. Baji Immediately run to Chifuyu and Hugged him. -


Chifuyu: Baji-san!?


Chifuyu: Aw i didn't know Baji-san can worry

Baji: Shut up you dumbass, you made me worried!

Chifuyu: Hehe gomen gomen Baji-san

- Chifuyu hugged Baji back -

Draken: Hai hai stop being lovey dovey in front of us

Mikey: Yeah don't forget we're here Chifuyu

Chifuyu: Ah, Draken-kun and Mikey-kun hello sorry about that

Mikey: We were just joking, welcome back Chifuyu

Draken: You've finally waked up that bastard over there has been missing you, he even visits you every single day and morning

Baji: Uruse Draken!

- Chifuyu chuckled -

Chifuyu: I wanna take this oxygen mask off

- Chifuyu took the oxygen mask off, but that ended up make him cough due to lack of oxygen. -

Baji: Oi! put that back on

- Baji put the oxygen mask back on Chifuyu. Luckily Chifuyu was able to breathe back to normal. -

Chifuyu: Ugh this sucks, i don't like using this mask thing

Draken: Well you have to deal with it if you want to breathe

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