||Chapter 10||

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                                                                    》Welcome to chapter 10! 

                                                                 ⤷Hope you enjoy this chapter! <3

3rd Person POV

- Everyone arrived at Mikey's place and went to meet the others who were already there. -

Mikey: Emma! Were back!

Emma: Took you long enough! We've been waiting for ages

Hina: Haha, Its alright Emma-chan

Yuzuha: No Hina Emma's right, we've been waiting for years

Hakkai: That's just exaggeration Yuzuha

- Yuzuha rolled her eyes -

Hina: Now now no fighting Yuzuha-chan

Mitsuya: Where are the girls?

Hina: Oh there in one of the rooms

Mitsuya: Alright ill go see them

- Before Mitsuya got the chance to move and go search his sisters, They were already running towards the crowd. -

Luna: Oni-chan!

Mitsuya: Luna, Mana there you are. I was just about to look for you two

- Mitsuya hugged the two girl's -

Luna: Oni-chan you took to long we were getting bored

Yuzuha: See even the girls agreed

Hakkai: Yuzuha..

Yuzuha: ...

Hina: What did i told you Yuzuha-chan, its alright

- Mana then notice Chifuyu and patted Luna to give her a signal that he's over were Mana was pointing. -

Mitsuya: Luna?

- Luna and Mana released them self's from Mitsuya's hug and ran to Chifuyu and Baji. -

Luna: Chifuyu Oni-chan!

Mana: Fuyu Oni-chan

Chifuyu: Hehe, Hello girls

- Chifuyu hugged them and patted their heads. -

Draken: Damn

Mikey: I sense favoritism

Hakkai: They didn't even hug me

Smiley: Chifuyu is a lucky boy

- Angry nods in agreement -

Yuzuha: Chifuyu are gonna steal them from you someday Mitsuya

Mitsuya: Don't worry they love me more

Hakkai: How are you so sure Taka-chan?

Mitsuya: Dumbass i am their brothers?

Hakkai: Ahaha..Right

- Meanwhile with Baji, Chifuyu, and the girls -

Baji: Come on give Baji Oni-san a hug too

- Luna and Mana also hugged Baji, While he patted their heads. -

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