||Chapter 6||

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                                                                         ||Welcome to Chapter 6!||

                                                        ||Sorry this took long i hope you enjoy! <3||

3rd Person POV

- After a few minutes of waiting the doctor finally came out, As always Baji was the one who approached the doctor first. -

Baji: How is he, Doc?

Doctor: Nothing to worry about he just got a high fever he will be alright a day or two, it was one of the poisons effects it made his body still weak and to easily go unconscious if you forced yourself

Baji: I see..

Doctor: Well i got to go now i have another patient, Please take care of him while i am not there okay?

Baji: Yes i will, Thank you doctor

- When the doctor left Baji and the other went inside Chifuyu's room to check on him. -

Emma: How did he end up outside of his room tho?

Hina: Your right Emma-chan

Smiley: To take a piss?

Mitsuya: Probably to get a drink?

Hakkai: Maybe your right Taka-chan there isn't any drinks in here

Baji: Shit why didn't i notice that

Takemitchi: Its okay Baji-kun people make mistakes sometimes

Mikey: Yeah Baji what Takemitchy said

Draken: Don't go blaming yourself later, Dumbass

Baji: How can i when i already got scolded before i had the chance to?

Angry: So you were already blaming yourself?

Baji: I don't know, Maybe? or Maybe not

- Mikey smacks Baji -

Baji: Ow! what was that for!?

Mikey: For blaming your self of course

Draken: Well done Mikey

Mikey: Hehe

- A few hours later, everyone decided to go home except for Baji. -

Mikey: You sure you ain't going home?

Baji: Ill wait until he wakes up

Draken: you better be at home Baji

Baji: Yeah yeah

Mikey: Alright cya tomorrow, Baji!

- Mikey and Draken exchange their goodbye's with each other. -

Baji: Wake up soon okay Chifuyu?

- An hour later -

- Baji was on his phone while sitting at the sofa to wait for Chifuyu to wake up. Suddenly Chifuyu opened his eyes. -

Chifuyu POV: mmm, Where am i..My hospital room?..

- Chifuyu looked to the side and say Baji on his phone. -

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