||Chapter 12||

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3rd Person POV

- A Few Weeks Later -

~ 27 October ~

- It was already a few weeks later, Chifuyu has been having a great time with the others especially with his captain Baji Keisuke. Time fly's so fast, Chifuyu just remembered that his precious Baji-san is gonna have his birthday in 7 days. Currently Chifuyu was in his room chilling on his bed while reading his manga. -

Chifuyu: I am so boreddd, Peke j is sleeping he cant play with me and I've already reread my manga's 100 times already!

- Chifuyu ended up putting his manga back to his book shelf and went back to lay down on the bed. -

Chifuyu POV

- I layed down on my bed thinking about what should i do since i don't have any plans for today, But then something come a cross my mind. Baji-san's birthday is near, I was already planning to get him something but i still haven't got it. Since i have nothing to do i might as well go out right? -

3rd Person POV

- Chifuyu then stood up to take a shower and get ready to go out. -

Chifuyu: Good thing i don't have any plans with Baji-san today

- Chifuyu finished getting ready, He grabbed his wallet and bike keys and got out of his apartment. Hoping to not meet anyone he put his hood up so no one would recognize him. Successfully Chifuyu got on his bike and drove off without seeing Baji. -

Chifuyu POV: Its kinda lonely without anyone to talk with but ill be fucking embarrassed if someone see me buy things for Baji-san! Might as well go to the mall, Hope i don't meet anyone.

- After the 10 minute drive Chifuyu finally arrived at the mall, He parked his bike and turn it off. He then went in to the mall with his hood still covering his head. The mall wasn't really packed it was surprisingly deserted, well that was a good thing for Chifuyu. -

Chifuyu POV: Thank got its not packed, Now i can look around piece fully.

- Chifuyu went to a certain clothes store to see if the clothes he spotted a few weeks ago was still there. The clothes he spotted a few weeks ago was a black hoodie with a matching black jeans to go with it, Also with a cool pair of black and white shoes. Chifuyu could imagine his captain wearing it and will look very handsome with the clothing, Their was actually a similar style to what Chifuyu was gonna buy for Baji but with just different colors which is, A white hoodie, Black jeans, and a matching pair of black and white shoes just like the one he was gonna buy for Baji. Chifuyu also wanted to buy that set of clothes for him self but he thought it would be weird to be matching with his captain. Only couples match with each other right? we're not a couple..So why would we be matching?. That's what Chifuyu thought but lately him and Baji would always tease each other especially Baji, Baji would always suddenly kiss Chifuyu's cheek or forehead out of nowhere and just leave the guy hanging afterwards. -

Chifuyu POV

- Why would Baji-san even like someone like me, right? I bet he's more interested in other people. Like..Kazutora..? He is Baji-san's childhood friend..and he risked himself just for Kazutora..I am nothing compared to him. Baji-san just probably sees me as a best friend, I had a crush on him since i first meet him..he was so cool! My one sided love for 5 years had never changed. I always admired and loved my amazing captain, I could risk myself just for him. If he's happy i am happy that's all that matter to me, Well as for now that's all that matters. Enough talking about Baji-san Chifuyu! You meed to buy another present for Baji-san. -

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