||Chapter 4||

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                                                                         ||Welcome To Chapter 4!||

                                                    ||Have fun reading and i hope you enjoy! <3||

3rd Person POV

- When the doctor came out of the ICU room everyone immediately stood up especially Baji, he instantly jumped from his seat and approach the doctor to ask about Chifuyu. -

Baji: Doctor! how is he!? is he okay!?

Mikey: Oi Baji calm down dont scare the doctor

- Baji backed up -

Baji: Gomenasai..

Doctor: Haha..Its okay i know your worried

Baji: So? how is he??

Doctor: Safe to say his life is no longer in danger, but...

Everyone: ???

Doctor: He's currently in a coma..His chances on waking up will probably be a week

- Everyone was shock espesially Baji, Baji was furious. He wanted to punch the living hell out of the person who did this. -

Takemitchi: Doctor do you know what costed him to be like that?

Doctor: ...Poison. He managed to survive because only a little poison was consumed, if he had consumed more poison i dont know if he will be able to survive.

Mitsuya: Poison!?

Koko: How did poison get into his food?

Mitsuya: ...I dont know, something like this has never happen before in that restaurant

Inui: Maybe there's someone behind this?

Hakkai: Probably

Mitsuya: Ill go back to the restaurant later to ask questions

Hakkai: Ill go with you Take-chan-!

Mitsuya: Hai hai, after we visit Chifuyu

Smiley: Talking about Chifuyu can we visit him?

Doctor: Not yet we need to move him to the visiting room

- While everyone was waiting for Chifuyu to get moved they were outside the ICU room. It was silent, everyone was of cource still worried because even if Chifuyu's life was saved he still got into a coma. Baji was frustrated, if only Chifuyu didnt took his drink maybe Chifuyu wouldnt be like that. Baji didnt care fi his life was in danger, if risking his life means Chifuyu is safe he's fine with it. Baji would risk everything for Chifuyu, everytime he was with Chifuyu he would always feel happy and his times with Chifuyu are the best. Suddenly the ICU door opened and they all saw Chifuyu on the hospital bed unconscious while being brought to another room. The guilt in Baji's chest was unbearable he couldn't stand seeing Chifuyu on the hospital bed like that. -

Mikey: You dont have to worry you baby, he's alright his live isnt in danger.

Draken: Yeah stop worring you bastard

- Draken smacked Baji -

Baji: Can you stop smacking me?

Draken: Never

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