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It had been two days you we're finally feeling better but Wanda in the other hand. Let's just say she's been sick in bed all morning

"Hey you little rascal..why don't we go check on mama" Natasha said getting your attention. You had been playing with Peter in the living room

"Go to mama" you jumped up making nat laugh as she watch you quickly make your way to her room

The two of walked in making her turn around to face you

"Hi baby" she said her voice was all horse

"Mama you feel better?" You asked climbing onto the bed

"No princess...you got mommy sick" she coughed

"Oopsie" you giggled making her smile slightly

"Alright let's let her rest" nat told you picking you up

"Do you need anything?" She asked Wanda and she shook her head

"Thank you" she managed to get out

"It's fine Wanda...she's a really good girl" nat smiled at you

"Baby...best behavior please" she moaned as she tried to get comfortable again

"I be good mama" you told her before nat took you back into the living room

Nats POV

"Is mama alright" she asked

"She'll be okay" I reassured her

"Your mama is very strong..I'm sure she'll be just fine" Tony said

"I'm sorry"

"Why" I asked sitting down on the couch with her still in my lap

"I made mama hurt" she said pitifully  as tears filled her eyes

"Oh no baby don't feel bad" I rubbed her back

"Mama wouldnt want you to be sad...you didn't do it on purpose..she's your mama she's supposed to take care of you when your sick" I told her when she started to cry

"Little witch it's okay" cap tried to soothe

"Is she okay" I heard Wanda she was standing in the doorway

"She's okay Wanda go back to bed...we have her" Tony told her trying to push her back to the direction of her room

"Are you okay my love?" She asked ignoring him walking up to her

She cupped her little ones cheeks Whipping her tears with her thumbs. She's such a good mama.

"Why are you crying baby" she asked softly as y/n scooted off my lap and moved closer to her

"Your hurt" she cried as Wanda pushed her head to lay on her shoulder

"It's only a little cold okay...I'll be fine. Don't worry about me little witch" she kissed her head

"I'm just fine" she reassured patting her back

"Wanda"Tony warned

"I love you" she pressed a kiss to her temple before standing back up

Y/n turned to me with big tears in her eyes and the most pitiful pout on her face

"Awe come here" I pulled her back into my lap and she cuddled into my neck

I watched as tony helped Wanda back to bed.

Wanda is a really good mom. Y/n is so lucky. I'm so happy there together Wanda really needed this

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