Darkness Rising

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I remember it was a beautiful day. The clouds were just beginning to float in, rolling across the blue mountains that surrounded the valley that we lived in. They brought with them the heavy press of electricity, and the smell of rain. My favorite weather of all time. I remember feeling the electricity respond to me and thrum down my arms and through my body, completely mesmerizing me and filling my senses to the brim with the excitement of the coming storm. The wind had begun to blow with fervency and whip my hair around my face as I gazed down at the small village below me.

My home.

I always felt the peace of the small slow moving village no matter where I traveled. My family, friends and interests, all gathered into this one place. But as usual all good things never last long without attracting the gaze of those who would love to destroy it. Those who love tearing things down just to feel empowered and justified in their pathetic lives.

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