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I was just beginning to nod off when I heard the telltale sign of people coming. I heard shuffling in the grass and murmured voices. Their stench was next. Alpha Rods had brought a lot of them this time. I didn't recognize all of the scents that were irritating my nose. Slowly the bars were being removed from their place. Nudging Jacob awake I had him sit himself slightly behind me after I rubbed as much of my scent on him that I could. I couldn't chance that Alpha Rods or his people would smell the young and strong Alpha scent that now lingered around Jacob.

The first to walk in was Curtis who glowered at me. This threw me off. He never have me that look. Scathing and hate, yes, but never the profound look of disappointment that his features held now.

Wary, I call to Amber so that we can be ready to move. In saunters Alpha Rods who's followed by a pack slut, clinging to his arm.

Through the open doors I could see that there were more pack members crowding around. A slow feeling makes its way to my chest, compressing everything until I find it hard to breath. I've never had to deal with this many wolves in a long while and I don't know how to deal with it. Looking around I can see that they must have brought everyone out.

'Maybe the conditions have changed?' Amber whispers through my mind. We were wary before, but it had steadily increased to alarm.

'Or maybe they finally don't need us anymore. Maybe the slut on the Alpha's arm is the proof that we've overstayed our welcome... They've come to collect us Amber...' Sorrow fills my shattered heart. 'They never found us...' Amber whines in acknowledgment. Our pack must've given up.

Alpha Rods comes forward. A mischievous look crosses his his face as he closes in on me, the brunette bimbo not far behind.

"Well Cadence, I've come to the decision that I want to play a little game with you and jake before it's too late. It's gonna be called hide and seek." His bimbo laughs a shrill and seductive laugh, trailing her fingers down Alpha Rods arm as she sneers at us.

"What do you mean, Rods." I hiss. I don't think for one minute that this is some innocent game. He's never that nice, and he and the others were far too quiet for this to be the game she had played long ago with friends.

Laughing a barking laugh he closed the distance between them and wrenched her up off the floor. Sparing a glance back at Jacob I saw him get up and place a hand on my shirt. Afraid to be left alone again.

"C'mon kid. You're coming too." Alpha Rods said. Dragging her beside him he walked back outside with the others clearing a path. Some of them spit in my direction while others held a nasty gleam on their solemn faces. This was not going to be good. Panic was beginning to set in until I looked down and saw Jacob next to me.

I had to be strong for him. If I freaked now, I wouldn't e able to protect him as best as I could. Keeping a level head was what was needed now. If they made it through this next trial, I could freak out then.

As the panic was thrown back into my mental 'save for later' box, I was able to look around with clear eyes. Outside.

I hadn't been able to be outside for almost my entire stay. Pretty much since I'd been captured I had lived in that cramped shack. Cool wind brushed past my face, ruffling the hair that wasn't yet matted to my scalp. The fresh breeze carried with it the beautiful scents that Amber and I had missed.

My body tensed. I wanted to run, no, needed to run. To stretch my legs and experience the exhilaration and exertion of running and feeling free again. My muscles began twitching with the almost unbearable desire.

Once again I looked down at Jacob. He needed this too. If anything it must be worse for him. Being newly shifted and unable to stretch and feel that same thrill would be even more unbearable for him and his new wolf. I could see his muscles twitch in want and his big eyes were focused intently on the forest. Maybe we could use this to our advantage.

The Darkness Within (ON TEMPORARY HOLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin