A New Addition

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A loud bang woke me from my tired slumber. Peeling back my eyelids I somberly looked at the burly man that came sauntering through the wooden door, a platter in his hand.

"Wake up slut. It's time for your meal." He said, looking at me with a blank face as I slid up against the wall. That simple movement sapping my already thinned strength.

I moved towards him and knelt when I reached him. Keeping my eyes lowered I waited to see if he would actually give me my food today. Curtis normally enjoyed making me 'work' for it though. I sincerely hoped that today wasn't one of those days. Suddenly a frigid liquid dripped through my matted hair and down my face in rivulets. Followed by my only food for today splashing on the floor in front of me. My eyes widened and I felt like my heart was pumping painfully in my chest while my hollow stomach cried out for me. Echoing in the following silence.

Curtis knelt in front of me. His eyes darkening. "I can get you more... For a price." his eyes turned even darker as they travelled the length of my frail body. His hand made its way too my face caressing it as he continued. "Crazy how time can turn you into a woman..." licking his lips he continued, "Now, do you want that food or not slut?"

His fingers grabbed my chin and tilted my face up towards his. I shook, I didn't want this man in any way, but my stomach growled loudly and Curtis smiled when he heard it, a crooked smile slipping on his face as he brought his bearded face closer to my own. "Should I take that as a yes?" He moved in to kiss me, but before he could make it, my wolf pushed through the fog in my mind and pushed him, her growls bouncing off the walls. She moved us back against the wooden wall and braced us against it, baring our teeth at him in a snarl. "Come at us again and I'll rip your tongue out!!" came her guttural reply. Curtis fumed and he stood up walking towards the door, "Then starve! One of these days though, you'll be begging me to. And I won't stop the others from trying anymore. We'll see how long you last now, whore." With that he slammed the door and put the silver barred door in place in front of it.

After a few minutes my wolf, Amber, gave my body back to me. I took a deep breath and thanked her. I settled back on the thin blanket in the corner of my 'room', preparing for another long day of nothing.

"Do you think our mate will ever find us?" I asked after a few hours had passed. I looked through a little hole I had begun digging a few months ago in the wall so that I could at least get a glimpse of the outside world.

Amber huffed in my mind and I could feel her shift uncomfortably. 'I don't know.... If he were going to, I think he should have found us already...' she whispered. My hopes dropped again. I could feel him somewhere out there, but it was never more them just a general feeling.

Amber and I sat in silence for a while. Looking through the hole I could see for a few miles a vast expanse of dirt before the view changed into great pine trees that sloped into a giant mountain who's top I couldn't see today. As with every other time I looked I felt that itch to run. To run and never remember what happened here.

I imagined running and the freedom I would feel just from that. I imagined living  in freedom for a few years before I finally found my mystery mate. I imagined the love story we'd create. Then I imagined the place we'd live and how many kids we might have. Amber added her own images to mine, our wolves running together, playing, the litters of pups we might have, she imagined raising them into great wolves that didn't have to fear anything. 'I'd train them well. If we make it out of this and do find our mate. I will make sure they never have to fear being taken or lost.' She whispered. I nodded my head. If we ever get out off this, my pups will never know fear.


I opened my sleepy eyes to a great commotion going on outside. The sun was still up, so the men couldn't be drinking. I couldn't guess what was going on.

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