Worse then Death

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WARNING!! There is a scene in here which might offend some readers!! if you do not want to read anything that borders on anything close to rape, I have marked where the scene begins and where it ends. I apologize in advance for those whom this might offend. This is strictly a work of fiction, and holds no opinions I hold in real life.***


Another month had passed with more of the same. Day after day the members of this pack continued their harassment of me. But Amber and I kept our promise and made sure that Jacob never was touched.

Amber and I learned not to mind the pack beatings. The only thing that we still cowered at was the Alpha. He was ruthless. He was smarter then the rest, part of the perks of being an Alpha. He continuously invented new ways to hurt either me or amber. He would routinely have us shift between human and wolf and harass and beat us. Neither form was safe anymore.

What was worse was Curtis kept his promise about not keeping the other male wolves away from me. Many a night now, a few "brave" ones would come to the shack seeking feminine 'comfort'. Each night they were sent back with their tales between their legs and a limp or two.

This only worsened my torture. The same men would release their pent up frustration on me in the daylight where they wouldn't get in trouble with their alpha. Apparently they weren't really allowed to touch me that way. But that didn't stop a few of them from trying night after night.

My sleep being denied me frequently was taking its toll on my body and my ability to protect Jacob. A couple times lately I had jerked awake to Jacob shivering next to me. When asking him what was wrong he had turned to me with a brave smile and say nothing. But that wouldn't hide the marks I saw on his face or when he might limp to get the ration of food.

We were slipping on our promise. I felt horrible. I HAD to get us out of here before things became any worse. As I thought this, the bars and door were wrenched open. The dark haired alpha walked in. His mood was different this time. There was an even darker undercurrent to him. I didn't like it one bit, it made the light hairs on my arm bristle in dreaded anticipation.

Two other men walked in behind him. One held a powerful air almost as palpable as the alphas. He must be the Beta. Although I can't figure out who the third man is. He's a small fellow, but he seemed vaguely familiar....

The third man was a good deal older then the alpha and beta were. He stood a little stooped and rubbed his hands together in an anxious an habitual manner. Seeing it kind of grossed her out. The worst part was how he was looking at her and then glancing back at the alpha with a greedy wanting look. This trait seemed to further ring the bell that had been tinkering in her mind. Who was this man?

Looking hesitantly back at the alpha through the darkening rays of sunlight she waited for him to speak his purpose in coming here this late at night.

Instead the old man spoke in a familiar reedy voice. "Alpha Rods, if I might now remind you of our deal?".

Glaring at the old man Alpha Rods spoke in annoyance and barely contained rage. "You fool!! How dare you speak y name in front of my prisoner! Of course I have not forgotten my deal with you. But I have changed the terms. I've decided that I prefer this mutt to the others you've brought me."

The old mans eyes bugged out of his skull and he sputtered, "B-but!! You swore on the moon goddesses name! She was to become my mate and I a part of your pack!! She's supposed to be mine!! I didn't tell you about her just so I could lose her!" Spittle was flying from his mouth as he spoke.

Alpha Rods grabbed his throat and lifted him, gasping, into the air. "Listen well you old fool. You are in MY territory, you are under MY roof. What I say goes. Do you understand?"

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