Family Ties

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That night sleep didn't come. I lay in bed awake as I thought about my having to leave the next day. I had watched Jake's sleeping, peaceful face and cried till my eyes were raw and my heart throbbed painful beats that made me feel like my heart would give out at any moment. My little sleeping angel would never be around me again. His pure sweetness and bright, sunny, attitude and laugh would never be the rising sun in my life.

Amber mourned the thought like it would be the death of her actual cub. That's just what Jake had become to the both of us. He had been what was now, forever out of our tainted reach. Her child, my child, as close as he could have been.

The night had been so long as Amber and I had cried together until we heard the beautiful songs of the morning birds calling sweet love songs to each other in the predawn light. How sweet that destiny even affected the smallest of creatures; everything had another half that completed them, something that gave it purpose to live and move on. 

A sharp rapping knock pierced through my quiet and finally tranquil thoughts. Smelling the air I knew who it was before they even spoke, it caused the hairs on my arm to raise and my nose to crinkle in distaste. Ignoring it I snuggled closer to Jake's small and sleeping form.

Two more knocks broke the silence with impatience filling them. Sighing heavily I waited again until she started in with a continuous rapping. Seeing Jake stir with a slight frown on his face I shifted myself off the bed to answer the door before the devil woman woke Jake.

Pulling it open I harshly whispered "What?!" Standing there in her pristine outfit it took me back a bit. Her hair was immaculate and her platinum blonde hair was wrapped into a tight sea shell bun with not a single hair out of place. Her make-up was top notch and not overly done, giving her face a natural glow to it, enhancing her natural beauty. Seeing this I could begin to see how it was that Jake's dad could fall in love with her. The only thing that threw off her perfect appearance was the coldness of her iceberg blue eyes that stared at me with something akin to disgust and hate.

Brushing past me she stepped into the silent room with an unattractive huff. "My heavens girl, it's about da-" Her speech paused as she finally noticed the adorable form that was taking refuge in my bed. Whirling around quicker then I thought was possible in her heals, she spoke quietly with all the venom she could muster at that level, " WHY is my SON in your room and in your tainted bed mutt?!"

I raised my chin and tried to keep the sneer from leaking onto my face as satisfaction took a stable hold in my hollowed heart, standing my ground. "If you could Luna Sophia, your voice is too loud and might wake your sleeping son." Seeing her grow bright red with her contained rage I got the satisfaction to see her nostrils flare in rage. It stopped being funny when Amber and I notice that her claws were growing into her beasts and her open, clenched mouth now had elongated canines nearly biting into her bottom lips, her eyes the yellow of her wolf. My smile slipped and I sank a little lower into my stance to be ready in case she couldn't control herself.

Normally, when I was at my peak in health and physical prowess, Jake's mom would be no problem to deal with, especially with my Beta blood. Though I had no official training I know that she didn't used to be in upper ranks by the way that she unconsciously would be unsure of herself for milliseconds which let me know that I could have taken her fairly easily. However, with the recent events that I was forced to endure my confidence and ego dropped with the knowledge that she was in healthy condition and, combined with the fact that she was now an Alpha's wife, she could wipe the floor with me easily. 

Glancing down at my body I was, not for the first time, disgusted with it's emaciated appearance. It was weak and bony, having no muscles because I had had nothing to feed them with. I was weakend easily and tired out just by walking still and that knowledge fueled the tempting darkness of depression that felt like it was surrounding my peripheral vision. Beating her in any kind of way was impossible as I was now.

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