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Making it to the top of the hill we skid to a halt to wait for our Alpha to reach us with panting breaths. We had to remember our place since Alpha Rod had forced us out of our pack when he took me and Amber.

Hearing the footfalls of our long lost pack-mates Amber and I whine in anxiety, our muscles twitching with eagerness and need to run and greet our family already.

Finally Alpha Kevin's chestnut colored wolf runs into view with my father's greying black wolf following and lastly, my brother's sand colored wolf follows up behind my dad, running up beside him.

Quiet rushes through the clearing as they raise their noses to the air that rushes from behind me to them.

Cocking their heads to the side they start shifting their weight, looking confused. Finally my brother shifts to his human form and slowly walks up to me. Looking down at me from his now towering height he questions, "Cadence?" I plop to the ground and swish my tail side to side as I try to lick his feet with excitement.

Laughing my brother bends down and picks my head up giving me a crushing hug. "Dude!! You're HUGE now!! You're almost as big as my wolf now! Mom's gonna freak when she sees you little sis..."

Suddenly his laughter dies down and his hug changes to a softer one as he lays his head on mine. "Mom's missed you like crazy sis... She's would have still been searching for you if-" cocking his head back to where my dad and Alpha Kevin stand my brother stops speaking.

Setting my head down softly he stands up again and moves back towards Alpha Kevin, baring his neck a little as he passes him slowly.

Alpha Kevin then comes forward and shifts into his human, my dad following shortly and shadowing him as he comes to stand in front of me. "Shift" he commands, his gaze cautious.

Confused, Amber and I oblige. Their eyes widen as they take in my still emaciated form tracked with scars and bruises. I feel shame as their eyes follow the lines of scars. My dad's eyes widen in horror before they scrunch closed. Alpha Kevin lets  out a shocked breath as his eyes trace my form also.

"It is you..." Alpha Kevin looks uncomfortable suddenly and he asks "Cadence... Why do you not smell like yourself? And why is your mind closed to us, we almost found you but your mind had suddenly cut off from us?... What... What happened to you?"

Suddenly my heart drops as I piece together their strange reactions to me, their caution, and it makes sense now. I can't answer  him with my father and brother present. Tears rush at my eyes as I shake my head, "I... I can't Alpha..." my voice coming out hoarse from disuse and my eyes flicker towards where my family stands.

His eyes darkened with the little he was piecing together. "Come with me little one, lets get you cleaned up before I ask you my questions. Then we can get you to your family. Beta Johnes, go home to your mate and tell her the good news. Case, go with your dad, I'll take Cadence to my family home and have her wash up. I'll call you when we're ready".

Looking at my dad he looked older and more sad, but turning from me he nodded his head at the Alpha and began waking quickly with my brother in tow.

Beckoning me with his hand, Alpha Kevin waited until I started to follow him before quietly starting to question me.

"Tell me what happened? I've sent everyone away from us, so we have privacy until we reach my home..." keeping his face forward I take a shaking breath and began from the beginning and on through my short stay at Jake's pack.

Alpha Kevin's face only lost composure when I told him vaguely about my rape, not having the heart to tell him all of it. A threatening growl had let loose from his chest and his eyes had turned the silver of his wolf when he heard, but otherwise he didn't interrupt me.

After finishing we walked in a comfortable silence for a while. Lost in thought and bad memories I was startled when Alpha Kevin's hand landed on my arm softly. My eyes shot to his face while I tried to slow my heart rate back down.

Looking sheepish he raised his hand and apologized. "I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry we allowed this to happen... And by one of our own... I won't pretend it's going to get easier Cadence, your... scent, will be a problem, but don't ever feel like you are anything less then a worthy Beta's daughter. You understand? What happened to you doesn't change that. Not in my pack."

Tears swam as emotion choked my throat. I had to cover my face as they poured over my cheeks, shoulders shaking. I had feared that they would reject me for my scent like Jake's pack had. But I was beginning to hope, dangerously, that I would be accepted again.


We finally reached Alpha Kevin's home with the atmosphere having lifted again as Alpha Kevin had begun joking with me and filling me in on the pack gossip on the way.

I was always impressed with his home

It was a large home, but he and his wife, Luna Alondrea, had managed to make it feel like home. People from all around could come and stay in the grand house, but it would never feel auspicious and cold. Their house was made out of fine red wood and brown trimmings. As I walked in I looked at the well used fireplace that was still larger than I was. I walked over to it and ran my hand down the rustic red bricks and smiled lightly to myself as pleasant childhood memories spilled in. My best friends Alice and Jason would sit with me here as we roasted marshmallows. Laughing to ourselves later down the road as we built a blanketed fort, Alpha Kevin checking in on us every now and then.

I put my head on the bricks and took a deep breath, inhaling the smoky smell that never seemed to leave. I rubbed my eyes when I felt the cold trails that had started up again and turned towards my Alpha. I felt the smile this time as it lit up my face and called to Amber who was watching silently, and let the joy fill my bosom. I was safe, and I was to be reunited with my family again. I had hoped and lost hope that this would happen again. 

But here it was.

My hope had finally returned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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